I meant on FFL! 

      From: ananda_das_gupta <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 1:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TM Dispossessed.
My suggestion is to replace all of the top administrators at MUM and the TM Org 
and to stop the dome badge requirement - let people all meditate together, 
without prejudice or fear of banishment and shunning. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

ananda, do you have any suggestions for dealing with alleged banning, shunning 
and stalking?

  From: ananda_das_gupta <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 9:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TM Dispossessed.
There must be thousands of disaffected TM Teachers out there, having once spent 
thousands of dollars and years of service to become certified teachers - now 
required to be "re-certified" in order to teach. 
But, the banning from the domes just seems so radical that it sounds like the 
TM Org turned into a cult.
My point is that most of the current FFL members seem to be displaying the same 
mentality - banning and shunning other members of the group. Not to mention the 
cyber stalking. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Plus all the thousands who learned TMyears ago, thought it was just a bit of a 
relaxation technique andhave little interest in people still interested in TM 
or who usedto be interested.  They could care less about a Yahoo Group 
likethis.  But there is a small group who still think that TM is thecenter of 
the universe.


 On 09/09/2016 05:51 PM, ananda_das_gupta wrote:

  The disaffected is probably inthe hundreds or even thousands by now: banned 
and shunned.Why else would anyone want to subscribe to a group likethus? But, 
there is a strange silence from the currentcampus student population. Maybe 
they are scared.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,<sharelong60@...> wrote :

Don't know. Is there morethan one FFL moderator? Right.

Sent:Friday, September 9, 2016 10:43 AM
Subject:Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TM Dispossessed. 
So, how many havebeen banned from the Dome?Apparently none of the FFLmoderators 
are in good standingwith the TM Org. One was actuallybanned, right?

---infairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com,<sharelong60@...> wrote :

Wrong!I was an active poster toFFL and have not beenbanned from Dome, 
MUMcampus, etc.
So,you calledthem on their"shit" and youare an adult.And, there areno 
victimsfrom banningand shunningat the MUMcampus. It's amatter ofpersonalchoice, 
to getbanned fromthe Dome. I would suppose that everyone posting toFFL has 
beenbanned fromthe MUMcampus, right?
So,why is Doug,the moderator,so upset? 

---infairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com,<olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

FFL2is very muchactive, if youcare to joinand postthere. Theones whocaused so 
muchtrouble herewent to FFL2,until they gotcalled ontheir shit,and 
madetracks,willingly. Weare all adultshere, makingour owndecisions.There 
aren'tany victims.Those who havechosen toexcludethemselves didit by 
choice,without anyprompting. Asfor thosebooted fromFFL forinadequatesocial 
skills,live andlearn. 

So, howz aboutsome of that"controversialspirituality"from you, huh?Let's see 
howmuch you arebanned,shunned,stalked andharassed aftersharingit...but Iwon't 
beholding mybreath. Yourfantasydoesn't holdup. 

There aremostly thosewho get alongin the world,and there area few fuckups. The 
fuckupsunfortunatelyleak theirgarbage ontoothers, andfor thatreason are 
notwelcome here.Get it? Couldbe a siteabout *shoes*and the samerules apply.

---infairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com,<no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

Oneof the otherFFL moderatorscreated a"free speech"zone on YahooGroups, but, it 
looks like they were shut down bycyberstalkers,following themaround on 
Kickedout of theDome andbanned fromcampus -shunned.Banned fromFFL andstalked. 
Thisjust doesn'tappear to bemuch of aspiritualgroup. Nowthat's ironic!
---infairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com,<awoelflebater@...> wrote :

Well, at least FFL andDoug aren'tlike TheCorner wherethere is abouncer at 
thedoor with aprepared listof those whocan't even getin the room.Talk 
aboutcensorship andlack of freespeech. Inaddition, youcan't evenread 
anythingthere unlessyou are on thelist ofapprovedindividuals.And the guywho 
startedthat forum andthose who arein attendancewere the onesgiving Doug ahard 
timeabout the lackof free speechat FFL. Tooironic to bebelieved.Luckily, sinceI 
knoweveryone overthere and haveheard whatthey have tosay about ahundred 
timesI'm notremotelyinterested ingettingadmitted. Somethings justdon't 
getbetter withage.

---infairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com,<olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

InDoug'sdefense, notone person has*ever* beenbanned fromFFL for notmeeting 
hisdefinition of"spiritual".

The reason afew werebanned, isthat theylacked basicsocial skills,and were 
moreinterested inbeing a painin the ass,vs.contributinganything ofsubstance. 
Hadnothing to dowith content,and everythingto do with notplaying wellwith 
others,due toimmaturity, alack ofmanners, andnoself-discipline.

Perhaps youcould quitmaking shitup? Thanks inadvance...///////
---infairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

Whatyou may notrealize isthat the wayyou're runningthisdiscussionforum is 
justlike they runthe Dome -banning andshunningpeople that don't meet your 
definition of spiritual.
You'reobviouslyselling TM andusing yourposition asFFL moderatorto 
enforceguidelines "as a primary retributive tool todiscipline asales force."
Maybe you could set us straight byanswering afew questions.
What is your exact position, if any, withMUM?
Are you a re-certified TM teacher in goodstanding withthe TM Org?
Did you graduate from the university, andif not, whynot?
Sometimes, you seem to be posting undervariousaliases. Whyis that?
---infairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com,<dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

This kind of thing is just bad irony and publicity for what is going on here.  
It is plenty past time to just go and gut the Dome guidelines of the 
‘non-compete’ clauses particularly around the practice of jyotish.  Fairfield 
is full of people secretly promoting and practicing jyotish and giving 
readings.   Every time the Weekly Reader boldly publishes astrology from David 
Hawthorne it is a reminder of how he and his family in moving to Fairfield to 
be part of something larger were ridiculously judged and screwed by the 
movement. This is just plain bad for the energetics of the community here.  
Everyone gets the irony of going to Pat Hayward for consultation too.  Everyone 
at all levels of the ™ movement does it.  
It is quite time to stop using the Dome badge guidelines as weapon-ry against 
the community.  IThis has been Self-destructive all along.  The Dome badge 
guidelines need to be made much simpler to what it simply takes to run a group 
meditation and stop using the Dome badge guidelines as a primary retributive 
tool to discipline a sales force; let administration of a sales force of the 
re-cert TM teachers be the particular dealings of an HR or legal departments 
for the teaching side [Maharishi Foundation] of the movement.  
It is time to damn and dump those ‘non-compete’ clauses around the practice of 
jyotish. -JaiGuruYou

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