On 09/11/2016 11:03 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

        *(snip) *

        *Duh. This is not exactly breaking news, Bhairitu. Did you
        really think I didn't know all this?*

    *You sure write like you didn't. But then all you're about on FFL
    is destroying messenger and not about the message.*


    *Completely untrue, and you know it.*

    *But that is not unusual for a narcissist.*


    *Boy, you're really into the inadvertent irony thing, aren't you,
    calling me a narcissist.*

*Lets see the hands of everyone who thinks Judy is a narcissist... Almost everyone. *


        So I'm talking about out of all those thousands there are
        just a handful of people who are reading or subscribed to
        **FFL (and some no longer read though subscribed).*


        *I wouldn't call 1,600 people "just a handful." But maybe you
        have really big hands, huh?*

    *I'm on forums where one topic has more participants than FFL.*

    And you think that makes 1,600 "just a handful"? Sal is right;
    you're so utterly out of it there's no point in trying to converse
    with you reasonably.

*LOL! Boy are you impressed that FFL has had 1600 "sign up"... back in the day. How many of those 1600 still read it at all? And some are probably dead.



        *Out of that we get a few zealots who know little about
        authentic Indian meditation and yoga and think TM is the end
        all be all.  Which it ain't. Sloppy writing my ass.  This
        isn't an English course.*


        *Most people write so they can be understood. You frequently
        don't bother.*

*Others don't seem to have a problem understanding what I write. You must have a reading disability.*


    *Actually, your posts have frequently confused other people
    because your writing is so careless. It's not just moi.

*Probably just you and your narcisters.



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