I still maintain that while that may have technically been the case (i.e., 
"wasn't"), we don't know if the winds of inquiry have shifted on that 
technicality.  Parsing is a given, in that T.Rump and families activities are 
being and/or will be debated in a legal arena or legal context.  

 Regardless, the Republican's in Congress aren't even going to consider 
impeaching until T.Rump becomes an irrefutable liability to the Party.  And, 
because T.Rump will fight any and all—no holds barred, the kind of unified 
action that this would take will be impossible to achieve.  Won't happen in 
this term, I don't believe. The denial/delay tactic will be used effectively.  
The best that can be hoped for are defeats in 2018 and 2020. Let's hope he and 
Congress don't decide to play war games.

 I heard portions of this interview yesterday with John Dean who has been 
speaking out.  Quite interesting and spot-on in many regards:


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 i think Comey, Clapper, and others are parsing this investigation of tRUmp a 
bit fine.  Technically, tRUmp is NOT under investigation as a specific focus 
and thus deniable.  However, he IS under investigation since he is part of the 
organization campaign that IS a focus of investigation.  They are having it 
both ways.


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