Community Forum with Dr. Hagelin 
 - Wed. Nov. 15, 7:45pm

 Community Forum — Wednesday November 15th
with Dr. John Hagelin — all invited
 Retirement Housing, Financial Security and Elder Care in a Spiritual Community
 7:45-9:15 pm — Phoenix Rising Hall, 207 W Burlington
 MUM President Dr. John Hagelin will join us for a discussion of the retirement 
needs of all members of our community. We will share plans and ideas for:
 the imminent expansion of the IdeaLife Community in Maharishi Vedic City; 
spiritually informed elder home-care in Fairfield and the county; retirement 
security for University faculty, staff and long-serving teachers of the 
Transcendental Meditation program; deserving an ideal retirement community (why 
not?). We invite everyone to share their visions and plan practical community 
action — bring your love, creative intelligence and enthusiasm. As always, 
we’ll conclude with an open mic for general comments.
 Community Forum Steering Group

---In, <> wrote :

Sunday October 29th 2017
 In-Homecare for Elders in FF


 Meeting minutes for:



 We are seeking quality of life throughout the life span!
 Wide ranging Considerations
 For in-home care:
 Support, Trainings or upgrades for:
 Point persons
 Good neighbors, opening dialogues in your neighborhood/cohort
 Services needing expansion:
 Creating databases of available caregivers/volunteers and possible website
 Respite for caregivers
 Grief support locally-
 Auxiliary Hospice services supporting services for in-home care.
 SEIDA Volunteer Service (as an existing resource) (as an existing resource)
 Understanding Legal Powers of Attorney/ Health directives/living wills/
 Develop Spiritually informed in-home Care-giving Strategies:
 In home care.
 Cluster housing.
 Pundit Village housing for IA participants, TM community meditators.
 Emergency housing.
 Skilled nursing In-house facility,
 Hospice, end of life.
 Neighborhood Watch models.
 Green House Project (skilled nursing facility for Southeast Iowa)
 w/ Eden Alternative ethos

 Thank you for coming to the meeting on Sunday and contributing as so many of 
you did!  Twenty seven people came together to begin the discussion of what we 
want to support, develop and create in Fairfield for people as they live and 
age and move through end of life care.  
 A very organic, largely volunteer level of care has been happening in 
Fairfield all along…many people generously, compassionately coming forward to 
care for others as the need arises.  This will continue as it should!  The 
interest here is to see people generally planning ahead and see to areas that 
could be better coordinated in order to serve more people more effectively and 
see fewer people “fall through the cracks” in receiving the care they require 
and better support primary caregivers. 
 Relying on government services as they continue to be slashed and dismantled 
on state and national levels is not as realistic in the coming years.  This is 
a time to create what we want.
 The following are ideas/concerns people expressed.  It is just a start.  If 
you see an area here that you would like to weigh in on and/or help with, 
please indicate that by putting an “X” by it and returning it to me…  
 We will have our next meeting  November 26th, 2 to 4 pm at the Hamilton house, 
2140 227th St.  All are welcome. 

---In, <> wrote :

 3rd Meeting,
 A 'Community Forum' about Fairfield, Iowa.

 Held at Phoenix Rising Meeting Hall in Fairfield, Iowa
 Intents for Fairfield..

 Scribed Notes From a Community Forum about Fairfield, Iowa.
 October 24, 2017

 From an advertised open community meeting held at the meeting hall of Phoenix 
Rising in Fairfield. 


 A public collecting of 
 active ‘Intents’ for Fairfield...
 People’s own individual ideas as personal ‘intents’ to work on.. 

 Fairfield Community Meeting Notes:

 Intent: A Fairfield of
 welcome and friendliness.
 Of business opportunity..
 A place to live and to visit for many good reasons. 

 Intents To: Embrace Skilfull Marketing..
 To Demonstrate a High Quality of life.

 Fairfield as a model of: 
 Prosperity and Abundance.

 Showcasing: small town integrity and safety with a high Quality of life.
 For caring, friendliness, welcome and nurturing.
 A place of respite. A safe place.

 The Fairfield Cosmopolitan..
 Exemplary Dining.
 Showcasing the peace, tolerance and inclusion we have here.
 The Dynamic Connection to World Opportunities.
 The fun, enjoyment, spiritual and material of feeling at home in Jefferson 
 Our emotional quality of fun.

 The intent for communal engagement across demographics.

 Highlight: The unity and diversity of population.
 A World Family that is Fairfield, Iowa.

 The Breadth of Knowledge-base in the community
 For instance the knowledge about health and wellness,
 and other areas.

 Feature the wide variety of healthcare available in the community. 

 Exampling of New Technologies.

 /Demonstrating Ecological life.

 The Chautauqua-like discussion of World Matters in Fairfield.

 The communal demonstration of stewardship. 
 More than ‘sustainable’ net-zero energy effcient but building regenerative 
housing stock. 

 The cosmopolitan resource of the University community.

 Showcase the breadth of talent, entertainment and artistic facility of the 
Fairfield community. 

 Fairfield, a place of civility where left and right meet as a demonstration of 
self-governance also in a willingness to challenge corporate order. 

 Acknowledging and promoting a larger and mature active spiritual community 
which is featuring now as a place of pilgrimage and tourism.

 Culture Attracts Tourism:

 A place of world-class gardens.

 Intent for a world-class film theatre with world-class films.

 Unique ‘world’-class shops and shopping.

 Someone’s intention: for a Brahman Cattle farm

 Intent for: Enhancing Beauty in Community.

 Family life: 
 Feature the early childhood development and family activities. Parks, nature, 
recreation, library, museums, schools, arts, activities for growing a family 

 Showcase the Quality of Educational Opportunity: 
 the public schools, Singing Cedars Waldorf-inspired school, MSAE, the 

 Intent: in support of a community facilitation that shows everyone belongs in 
respect of personal freedom and quiet life, that Fairfield is a safe community. 
That there is a communal ethos of tolerance also for eccentricity. 

 Feature the power of the vibe in a communal (underlying) transcendent in 
universality and love. That Fairfield is a place that promotes the expansion of 

 Intent: that we be devotees of service to ourselves and community together in 
communal engagement.
 To promote a communal engagement where everyone becomes an ambassador and 
holds responsibility for tourism in promoting a willingness towards encouraging 
cultural diversity.

 Communal Fairfield, Iowa.   

 This meeting concluded with a substantial presentation and short discussion 
considering the long term adversity within the collapse of numbers attending 
the daily group meditations in the Domes in Fairfield by the affect of the TM 
movement’s ongoing administrative monitoring of people’s private lives. 

 It is anticipated that another community forum similar to this will be held in 
November with Dr. Hagelin and others focusing on retirement issues related to 
Fairfield and the Fairfield meditating community.

 These meetings are the work of an ad hoc committee of people who are invested 
in the well being of the community of Fairfield, Iowa. 


---In, <> wrote :


 “Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything”
 -George Bernard Shaw

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”  

 Most of us migrated to be part of something larger.  Yes, there is a 
Management problem here in that our leadership is not leading with mission 
first. As old initiators we always taught the importance of meditating in 
groups and now we know so much more science about this than before.  

 There needs to be visible leadership from the podium on down with focus on 
facilitating the mission of group meditation. It has gone on too long here 
without effective leadership. 

 Held on to at upper levels is profound confusion conflating administrative 
policy with ‘purity of the teaching’,  conflating an equivalence that gets in 
the way of success.  Effortless meditation is the purity of the teaching. 
Administrative policy at its best is about implementation of effortless 
meditation as the teaching. Policy is about facilitating.  An entrenched 
problem is that we have embedded tru-believers as some leaders and 
administrative apparatchiks who assert that, “..if Maharishi said it, it 
(policy) can’t be changed”.  

 A chance we have for expanding the group practice of meditation possibly is 
with the two real PhD Drs. at the very top of the movement who are top Western 
trained scientists as well as devotees.  Possibly unbiased scientific ways 
could look at the data that we have collated about the collapse of the Dome 
meditation numbers.  It is good data and illustrates what was the 
administrative state of the Patterson-Morris era.

 Look at the data but then act on making policy changes towards once again 
facilitating the meditation here.  Maharishi made and changed policy all the 
time based on what was brought to him.  It is time for this ‘post-founder’ 
‘first generation’ leadership to review founding missions and mitigate policy 
toward better outcomes.


---In, <> wrote :

 Traveling, Hagelin might not be there?


 John Hagelin is what we have now as both conduit and father-figure for the 
community as to his level where direction and policy is made.  In 
re-constituting the meditating community it is real important that he be at 
these meetings listening and to confer.  
 It is great that Tom as a Trustee is facilitating this but it is particularly 
important that Hagelin be a presence at these meetings.  Bevan has been set 
aside, Tony Nader for reasons is not available. For the continuance (and 
expansion) of the meditative community here it is important that Dr. Hagelin 
now be a presence here.

 E-mail in chain response:

 Out of town..  H is not as interested in admin of the community, he is focused 
paramount on paying the bills and in giving talks and holding talking events 
like the Ukraine peace conference.

 Maharishi really wanted Dr. JH 'out there' in the public eye getting the word 
out. That is where he shines. He is focused on paying the bills, and project 
like the IAA, Kiev, the teaching movement, the university and school,  holding 
many things together. Not so occupied w hands on admin and policy. JH doesn't 
mainly create policy much anyway, or take much in the way of direct initiative 
that way. Those around him take initiative and get him involved. He listens 
well, to a) those around him, and b) general public opinion, and reads those 
opinions and does what he feels is correct and advantageous. Not that he has no 
opinions, he does, 


---In, <> wrote :

 Community Meeting Tonite.. 19 Sept 2017

---In, <> wrote :

 A Call to activist FF communitarians..
 A FF Communal Forum, Tues. Nite

 A second meeting at Phoenix Rising to consider an exploration of work that 
could be done and projects ongoing towards facilitating the welfare and 
wellbeing of the area community.  

 Tuesday evening at Phoenix Rising 7:45pm,  a moderated meeting to showcase 
short Ted-style presentations of ongoing projects of what people are doing in 
community and also a moderated open mic for people to speak to their work in 
community. A look at employment, housing, access to healthcare, schools, food 
security, eldercare, and more in the town and county area community. 
 Jobs, housing, healthcare, schools, food security, eldercare, community. 

 Phoenix Rising
 207 W. Burlington
 Fairfield, Iowa
 (NE corner of Burlington and 3rd) 


---In, <> wrote :

 Gen-X and Millennial-Gen members of the community make it clear they are not 
going to just ‘meet and talk’ any longer unless it is to be with Hagelin where 
meditating community policy could be re-adapted and made.  

 Show there is access to the level of the movement community where policy 
decisions can get made. Access needs to be obvious or effective people will not 
come with it.  

---In, <> wrote :

 Try to have Hagelin come again and also start to set up processes that can 
interact directly with him. That would telegraph a sincere interest to 
collaborate in the work from the upper levels of the movement. 

---In, <> wrote :

 Running a social movement like running a large corporate or a civic community 
organization takes deft active methodical clarity in leadership skillsets of 
cheerleading. It is time now for our leadership to be available visibly 
distilling vision and sharing mission. 


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