Super-Radiance – What Will It Take
 To Bring Us Together, To Rebuild Common Purpose
 To Restore Group Program Attendance?

---In, <> wrote :

 Meeting 5, Community Forum, Fairfield, Iowa

 Subject:  Super Radiance and the Fairfield Dome Meditation Numbers
 December 13, 2017
 Scribed Minutes of an Open-microphone for expressing communal Intentions...

 An advertised public meeting held at the meeting hall of Phoenix Rising in 
Fairfield, Iowa


 Intending For Super Radiance and numbers meditating in Fairfield..

 That Fairfield, Iowa be known as a Meditation Meccah without limit.

 Intention that there be a feeling of welcome, freedom. 

 That we are together in this alternative community all over town.

 Intend that there be a sense of family with heartfelt commitment to community 
and family.

 That there once again be a feeling of group accomplishment, 
 like before with the 2.5 k meditating in the Domes.

 Encouraging meditators too. (vs. Sidhis-centric super radiance).

 Encourage a healthy environment for children and families, more sidhas, more 
entertainment in the presentation. Spaciousness. 

 Intend that the entire community can be proud. 
 Intending a community goal of having a top lifestyle, an affirming goal in our 
collective consciousness.

 Finding Friendliness, Compassion, Happiness in community. 

 Intending dedicated enthusiasm for drawing on and promoting the resource of 
our students, all ages, and all generations.

 Intend to promote the asset of the gold coming from the silence of meditation 
here, that people come to Fairfield for respite of the silence and the value in 
life of this.

 Intend that the leadership of the ™ movement themselves be in the Dome 
meditation with the group.

 Intend that we stop the teaching (pedagogy) by rote but that there be a new 
narrative with engagement.

 Intend to become a model for other communities.

 In the economy here, that we have Dome friendly jobs again.

 That we support each other going to the Domes.

 That we are having fun as a community.

 Intent on making everyone whole in their relationship with the TM .org.

 Creating better partnerships between the campus and the meditating community 
in processes by which we will create progress.

 Beyond peace and invincibility, market spirituality to the ‘young yogis’ of 
the new generations, in particular. That they come to Fairfield for the 
cultivating spiritual experience we have here.

 That the ™ .orgs be open to adaptability and flexibility themselves (SCI steps 
of Progress)

 These Scribed Notes on expressed intentions from the meeting are 
 transcribed here by Doug Hamilton

 The larger meeting progressed on in sequence after the introduction and this 
open ‘intentions’ part of the meeting to officials of the ™ community 
discussing general policy and processings for specific membership in the Dome 
meditation, ending with an open microphone addressing considerations for action 
on how to increase the numbers meditating collectively in Fairfield, Iowa.  

 Towards expanding numbers in the Domes, a long and short of it..

 Encourage people to join conditionally.  People can read the guidelines and 
decide if and how they would want to apply and be part of the group.


 A fifth Communal Meditatiing Fairfield Meeting tonite, 

 ..substantial presentation and short discussions considering the long term 
adversity within the collapse of numbers attending the daily group meditations 
in the Domes in Fairfield by the affect of the TM movement’s ongoing 
administrative monitoring of people’s private lives.


 Community Forum
 Wednesday December 13th, 7:30 pm – all invited
 Super-Radiance – What Will It Take?
 To Bring Us Together, To Rebuild Common Purpose
 To Restore Group Program Attendance
 Phoenix Rising Hall, 207 W Burlington
 In this meeting we’ll examine our own desires, both for ourselves and our 
world, to re-establish a more powerful influence of coherence in collective 
consciousness from our Golden Domes and other group program facilities.
 ·       Are we inspired? Do we feel empowered? Does each one of us feel we are 
Maharishi’s movement?
 ·       How shall we ensure that each one of us feels valued and honored in 
what we do to fulfill Maharishi’s goals for the world?
 ·       How shall we all communicate effectively, so that concerns and ideas 
are heard, are acknowledged with respect and kindness, and are given prompt and 
appropriate attention?
 ·       What more can we do to raise group practice attendance?
 ·       How shall we do justice to the gift Maharishi has bestowed on us? How 
shall we pass that gift to all corners of our world?
 Please join together to share our vision and to plan community action – with 
love, creative intelligence and enthusiasm. As always, we’ll have an open mic 
so all may speak.
 Also – next month, in commemoration of our annual January celebration, we’ll 
have a special meeting for members of our community to share with all of us our 
own stories of how we met Maharishi, or how the knowledge he gave us first 
touched us.
 Empowering Leadership in All – Sharing and Working on Common Interests
 For Ourselves – For Our Community – In Joy and Service For Our World
 Blessings of the Season to All !
 Community Forum Steering Group

---In, <> wrote :


 Community Forum, 
 4th Meeting..
 A 'Community Forum' about retirement and eldercare in the Fairfield, Iowa area.
 Held at Phoenix Rising Meeting Hall in Fairfield, Iowa

 Intents for Fairfield..
 Scribed Notes From a Community Forum about Fairfield, Iowa.
 November 15, 2017 
 From an advertised open community meeting held at the meeting hall of Phoenix 
Rising in Fairfield.
 Scribed Notes:  A public collecting of
 active ‘Intents’ for Fairfield...
 People’s own individual ideas as personal ‘intents’ to work on..

 Gathered  ‘Intentions’ of people offering a personal intent to work on..

 Fairfield as a Retirement Mecca where there is security.
 An inclusive community in a mixed community without warehousing of people.
 A Retirement life with Nature
 Handicap accessibility
 Therapeutic cares made accessible and affordable.
 A welcoming of spiritual modalities of healing.
 Intent for mental health services that are spiritual and effective
 Adoptive grandparent program
 Child Daycare with elders

 Integrated memory care
 Concern for freedom within memory care.
 Conscious dying care

 Intent for beautiful food
 Community Gardens
 Sourcing of allergy free foods.

 A communal Intent for modeling facilities with best technologies and building 
 Adaptable housing codes friendly to environment.
 Zoning that is open to tiny houses.
 Mixed age housing.
 Gathering places.
 Review older draftings and models of community plans.
 Regenerative life, revisit Fairfield’s strategic plan for sustainability. 

 Accessible global arts and culture.
 Intent for global Investment opportunities for the local community.
 Intent for integrating the Fairfield community with the University.

 2000 in meditation in the Domes
 Dome Endowment
 Pricings sympathetic to people in supplemental social security (Supplemental 
 Grants to housing rehabilitation.
 Consciousness of a downside to tourism driving up prices of housing, rents and 
living in Fairfield
 Affordable Panchakarma treatment.
 Proposal to re-employ the pool of well trained panchakarma ayurvedic techs
 Prorated support of the ‘assembly’ by age, for youth and the elderly.
 Elders in retirement in the Domes meditating doing the long meditation 

 Promotion of Fairfield retirement features with video, Youtube &DVD’s.
 Film project to collect oral histories.
 Collecting archival artifacts of the town and university. 
 (Wanted for archiving project, pictures of MIU in Santa Barbara before the 
move to Fairfield.
 Also, locate the logo sign of MIU. Contact archivists at MUM library.)
 Understanding new technologies, Bitcoins for reasons of generating wealth in 
the community. 
 Develop Digital currency for the Raam.

 Program speakers presenting on aspects of retirement and eldercare in the 
Fairfield area:
 Ed Noyes(communal intentions), Dr. John Hagelin (University), Ed Malloy 
(Fairfield), Tom Stanley(Facilitator), Jennifer Hamilton(Elder homecare), Pat 
Barrett (ILC senior care facilities), Bob Markowitz(ILC Campus housing for 

 Email Contact for the steering committee of the Community Forum:

 Meeting Minutes of intentions transcribed by Doug Hamilton


---In, <> wrote :
Published Announcement..
  Community Forum with Dr. Hagelin 
 - Wed. Nov. 15, 7:45pm

 Community Forum — Wednesday November 15th
with Dr. John Hagelin — all invited
 Retirement Housing, Financial Security and Elder Care in a Spiritual Community
 7:45-9:15 pm — Phoenix Rising Hall, 207 W Burlington
 MUM President Dr. John Hagelin will join us for a discussion of the retirement 
needs of all members of our community. We will share plans and ideas for:
 the imminent expansion of the IdeaLife Community in Maharishi Vedic City; 
spiritually informed elder home-care in Fairfield and the county; retirement 
security for University faculty, staff and long-serving teachers of the 
Transcendental Meditation program; deserving an ideal retirement community (why 
not?). We invite everyone to share their visions and plan practical community 
action — bring your love, creative intelligence and enthusiasm. As always, 
we’ll conclude with an open mic for general comments.
 Community Forum Steering Group

---In, <> wrote :

 Separately, An..
 Ad Hoc In-home elder care Committee Meeting:
Sunday October 29th 2017
 In-Homecare for Elders in FF


 Meeting minutes for:



 We are seeking quality of life throughout the life span!
 Wide ranging Considerations
 For in-home care:
 Support, Trainings or upgrades for:
 Point persons
 Good neighbors, opening dialogues in your neighborhood/cohort
 Services needing expansion:
 Creating databases of available caregivers/volunteers and possible website
 Respite for caregivers
 Grief support locally-
 Auxiliary Hospice services supporting services for in-home care.
 SEIDA Volunteer Service (as an existing resource) (as an existing resource)
 Understanding Legal Powers of Attorney/ Health directives/living wills/
 Develop Spiritually informed in-home Care-giving Strategies:
 In home care.
 Cluster housing.
 Pundit Village housing for IA participants, TM community meditators.
 Emergency housing.
 Skilled nursing In-house facility,
 Hospice, end of life.
 Neighborhood Watch models.
 Green House Project (skilled nursing facility for Southeast Iowa)
 w/ Eden Alternative ethos

 Thank you for coming to the meeting on Sunday and contributing as so many of 
you did!  Twenty seven people came together to begin the discussion of what we 
want to support, develop and create in Fairfield for people as they live and 
age and move through end of life care.  
 A very organic, largely volunteer level of care has been happening in 
Fairfield all along…many people generously, compassionately coming forward to 
care for others as the need arises.  This will continue as it should!  The 
interest here is to see people generally planning ahead and see to areas that 
could be better coordinated in order to serve more people more effectively and 
see fewer people “fall through the cracks” in receiving the care they require 
and better support primary caregivers. 
 Relying on government services as they continue to be slashed and dismantled 
on state and national levels is not as realistic in the coming years.  This is 
a time to create what we want.
 The following are ideas/concerns people expressed.  It is just a start.  If 
you see an area here that you would like to weigh in on and/or help with, 
please indicate that by putting an “X” by it and returning it to me…  
 We will have our next meeting  November 26th, 2 to 4 pm at the Hamilton house, 
2140 227th St.  All are welcome. 

 Evolving this..

 Fairfield's Village Movement, communal managing for Spiritual Home Care of 
Elders and Others.


 After X-mas, meet at Revelations to develop this more as,  Practical and 
Fairfield Sensitive to 'Spiritual'. 

---In, <> wrote :

 3rd Meeting, Minutes continue further down in 'previous posts' of this thread

 A 'Community Forum' about Fairfield, Iowa. 
 (Consideration of Tourism)
 Intents for Fairfield..

 Scribed Notes From a Community Forum about Fairfield, Iowa.
 October 24, 2017

 From an advertised open community meeting held at the meeting hall of Phoenix 
Rising in Fairfield. 


 A public collecting of 
 active ‘Intents’ for Fairfield...
 People’s own individual ideas as personal ‘intents’ to work on.. 

 Fairfield Community Meeting Notes:

 Intent: A Fairfield of
 welcome and friendliness.
 Of business opportunity..
 A place to live and to visit for many good reasons. 

 Intents To: Embrace Skilfull Marketing..
 To Demonstrate a High Quality of life.

 Fairfield as a model of: 
 Prosperity and Abundance.

 Showcasing: small town integrity and safety with a high Quality of life.
 For caring, friendliness, welcome and nurturing.
 A place of respite. A safe place.


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