OK, Judy, so you don't believe what you stated below, you're simply "reporting what some else has said" even though you state that it "seems as good an explanation as any" (Which begs the question, what other explanations for natural disasters have you read--I mean, other than DC Comics?)

> >  > >  According to MMY, the root cause of natural disasters
> >  is stress, as you know.  Reducing the levels of stress
> >  in the "atmosphere" will therefore reduce the number
> >  and severity of natural disasters.  Seems as good an
> >  explanation as any for such a notion.

It's sure nice to know that none of the TMO silliness is part of your belief system, and that you base all your arguments on good, solid facts.

I don't "believe" it, but I don't rule it out either. > >

Oh. Yes, that sure clears things up.

Tell you what, Judy. I'll take a course on reading comprehension if you agree to take one in Basic English.


On Dec 23, 2005, at 4:59 PM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Dec 23, 2005, at 4:41 PM, authfriend wrote:
> >  Speaking of silly, I've always thought it's pretty silly
> >  to conflate a person reporting what someone else has said,
> >  with that person *advocating* what they are reporting
> >  someone else said.
> Yep.  I know it's totally silly and almost unthinkable that you
> were advocating such nonsense, even thought that's exactly what it
> sounded like.  Thanks for clearing that up.

Reading comprehension, Sal.  Next time try reading what
I *actually* say instead of what you need to believe I'm

> >  I'm afraid neither Barry Manilow nor Ozzy would help.
> That's the whole idea--they're not supposed to.
> >  A good course in reading comprehension, perhaps.
> Great idea, Judy.  Enjoy. :)

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