Yogis have remarked that chlorophyll greatly improves the function of the brain and positively facilitates intellectual/psychic abilities.  They also mention that it facilitates milk production, something many women are still desirous of after pregnancy and may require the assistance of either a wetnurse or may choose to feed their newborn 'formula' instead.
My questions to you are at what stage in her growth is the most opportune time for this chlorophyll to have its positive influence to facilitate milk production:  before pregnancy, after pregnancy, during pregnancy, pubescence, pre-pubesence?  In your work in developing countries, or in any basic necessities programs you know of in developing countries, are chlorophyll-rich foods emphasized as curative, remedial or milk enhancing for young families?
Here are some notes on chlorophyll and its effect on milk production and other magnificent influences upon human evolution:
Yoga gives great credence to chlorophyll and its influence upon the pineal gland, producer of serotonin and many other subtle mind chemicals that facilitate our evolution as humans.  Take the opportunity to spend days, weeks drinking freshly juiced vegetables throughout your day, especially the yellow, green and blue ones, broad leafies such as collard greens,  bundles of joy such as broccoli and squash.  You can and will experience the difference chlorophyll will make.
Vegetarians produce more lymph because they get chlorophyll from grass and other green vegetation, and that is why their brains are more developed than those of non-vegetarians. Those who consume animal protein [neglecting green vegetation] suffer from want of lymph because animal protein contains very little chlorophyll. Tigers and cats are carnivores, which is why they produce less milk. Cows and buffaloes produce much more milk because they take chlorophyll from green grass and green vegetation.

Maximum lymph is produced from food which contains a lot of chlorophyll, such as green vegetables and especially the tips of the stems of creepers. Granivorous animals produce much milk, while carnivorous animals, such as dogs, give very little milk.
Lymph is produced from animal protein also, but because animal protein produces a lot of heat in the human body, the lymph is quickly converted into semen. Monkeys and deer produce much lymph, but it is not converted into semen because it is utilised in running and jumping.

Although carnivores may be more clever or cunning than granivores, they are generally less intellectual. It will be very difficult for a tiger, a cat or a dog to perform spiritual practices. A monkey or a cow may perform spiritual practices because they get much chlorophyll from grass and other green vegetation. Granivorous animals produce more lymph than carnivores, and that is why their brains are more developed.
Your insights and experience are greatly welcomed.


Dharma Mitra


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the decrepit skeleton of things tried and
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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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