Many experts say that Japan and South-Korea which are into heavy research on  Fuel-Super-Effecient cars will take away a lot of business away from American Car-companies and literaly drive them out of business.
    At the way things are going on, in another 20 years, there will virtualy be no American car industry..!!   Imagine that for a country that invented the Automobile..!!

Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 14:55:01 -0400
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Light up the Senate switchboard now!
Subject: Light up the Senate switchboard now!
Dear NRDC Action Fund Supporter,

Please drop what you're doing because here we go again. Senate leaders are again exploiting rising gas prices to rush a bill to the floor that would destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and boost oil industry profits. The vote could come as early as Tuesday.

The Senate front men for Big Oil are doing their damnedest to convince Americans that sacrificing the Arctic and sending each of us a $100 rebate check will solve all our problems at the pump.

There's only one way to expose these lies and prevent the sacrifice of 
America's greatest wildlife refuge: Help light up the Senate switchboard today!

Please call your Senators right now.

Tell them to vote NO on the Gas Price Relief and Rebate Act. Tell them you will not trade the Arctic Refuge for $100 or be fooled by policies that do nothing to solve the real problem of America's dangerous dependence on oil. Urge them to get to work on cutting oil consumption by improving the mileage of our cars and promoting clean and renewable energy.

Here are the facts: the Energy Department says that drilling in the Arctic Refuge would save consumers only one penny per gallon at the pump in 20 years! Meanwhile, anyone who drives will be forced to take the Senate's $100 rebate check -- paid for with our tax dollars -- and sign it over to ExxonMobil for their next two tanks of gas.

Only an oil company could love a bill that picks the taxpayers' wallets for $12 billion in gas money. The Gas Price Relief and Rebate Act should really be called the "Guaranteed Profits for Big Oil Act!"

Remember: these are the same Senators who passed a pro-polluter energy bill last summer that refused to make America's gas-guzzlers more fuel-efficient, but instead doled out billions of tax dollars to oil and coal companies. This latest bill is just more of the same corporate welfare.

Call your Senators right now and tell them you will not surrender the Arctic Refuge or line the pockets of the oil companies with your tax dollars.

And if you want to do even more to expose and defeat this shameless bill, go to
right now and make a donation so we can escalate this campaign in defense of the Arctic Refuge over the next critical days. Thank you!


Robert Redford
NRDC Action Fund

. . .

The NRDC Action Fund is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).



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