I don't think there is much oil in Arctic.  There is an urgent necessity to bring in Clean Green Technologies.  There is also an urgent necessity to diversify the energy sources so that we are not dependent on just one type of source.
    A diverse Energy base and a Clean Green Energy base will give more stability to the world economy and make it more immune to Shocks and manipulations.
    President Bush.jr  himself recently mentioned that we have to shift to new energy technologies.  The Administration's plan to return to the Moon is mainly to mine the Moon for Energy sources.

Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 16:02:34 EDT
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Light up the Senate switchboard now!
 We've been lighting up the switchboards for weeks now demanding that drilling be allowed where ever oil is suspected of being found, ANWAR West Coast, East Coast, Gulf of Mexico, Cornfields of Jefferson County Iowa! Go for it EXXON!

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