on 5/23/06 9:33 PM, curtisdeltablues at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  I don't think my "ability to know" fluctuates at all to
> any significant degree day to day.  Of course I don't mean this in any
> spiritual way, it is just that I have lost all interest in monitoring
> whatever quality I used to care about when I used to think of
> "awareness" as something that changed or could be developed.

I think there is a spiritual implication to this, because the clarity of
awareness does fluctuate. Experiences which can come, can also go. But
understanding is much more stable, and ultimately, understanding is what
gets you enlightened (keeping in mind that there's no "you" which "gets"
enlightened, blah, blah). That's because it ultimately enables one to grasp
(again terms are inadequate) that which is and was always there, and which
is rock-solid in its stability. That's why advaita and neo-advaita teachers
are so effective for so many people. Some think they offer a cop-out ("you
don't have to do anything; you're already enlightened") and maybe for some
that's what they do. In fact, I hear of people who bought into that line for
a while, and are now realizing there's still work to do, and are returning
to some form of sadhana. But for those who have already done decades of
sadhana, the subtle understanding these teachers may enliven can be
profoundly transformational. Maybe that's not what you were getting at, but
that's what came to mind when I read (and reread) your post.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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