Title: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Are Bevan's Days Numbered?'
on 7/13/06 10:27 AM, TurquoiseB at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But to your point, I have personally seen Maharishi
lie his socks off to someone (Charlie Lutes) for
the very reason you mention, to give the impression
that someone else had done what he himself had done
(kept Charlie waiting in a hotel hallway for a long
time, which pissed Charlie off so much that he
threw a tantrum and stormed out of the hotel).

Partly, it’s an Indian cultural thing. Indians hate to say no. So they say yes even when they mean no. MMY often did this. He would say yes to someone then a few minutes later tell his secretary to tell the person no. People interpreted this as his cosmic way of helping their evolution. __._,_.___

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