In a message dated 7/13/06 12:44:07 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED].. wrote:
> In a message dated 7/13/06 12:04:27 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> --- In _FairfieldLife@FairfieldLifFai_
> , "sparaig" <sparaig@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In _FairfieldLife@FairfieldLifFai_
> ( , Rick Archer <groups@> wrote:
> > >
> > > on 7/13/06 8:34 AM, TurquoiseB at [EMAIL PROTECTED]pno_re_
> (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > > So after a few weeks Maharishi showed up, and someone
> > > > from the course stood up and asked, "Maharishi, do you
> > > > know when something might be done about the dynamiting?"
> > > > Maharishi said, "What dynamite?"
> > > >
> > > > After being told the story for the first time, he gave
> > > > the course leaders a public reaming for not telling him
> > > > what was happening. Afterwards, I happened to be stand-
> > > > ing in the hallway as he was walking out of the hotel,
> > > > and heard him giving the aides who had traveled there
> > > > with him a similar reaming, this time for *allowing*
> > > > someone to stand up in one of his talks and report bad
> > > > news like that.
> > > >
> > > > Nothing was ever done about the dynamite.
> > > >
> > > So my guess is that he knew very well about the dynamite, but put
> on a show
> > > to give the impression that he hadnĀ¹t known, and that others were
> > > responsible.
> > >
> >
> > What would YOU have done?
> Firest, I would have sued the construction companies for an initial
> outrageous sum. Then held tight aand ranted and raved about knowing
> the governor, disturbing the laws of nature. And would make a small
> donation to the local church for padre support and pressure. Then when
> the construction compnaies made an attractive offer to pay "damages"
> and reduced hours of blasting, I would have countered with triple
> their figure as compensation, yet allowing them to increase their
> hours of blasting 50%. With 12 hours to accept. Hard close. Done!
> Then I would lecture the CPs that noise was no barrier to
> transcending, and consciousness did not disappear with noise. And that
> those with strong experiences, those who were more evolved and closer
> to CC, actually thrived on rounding in noise -- that each blast was a
> thrill of bubbling bliss.
> And then I would double the price the nosiest rooms. And laugh at the
> long scramble for them and long waiting list.
> Jeez, didn't you guys learn ANYTHING on your courses and time around
> M.!!!????
> >
> Actually M just moved the courses to Italy. I can't say it was
because of
> the "Bombing", but it happened all the sudden in the middle of the
Second TTC
> that year. There must have been some searching and negotiations
going on for a
> while before the move was ever made.

Hahaha. As if Fuiggi was quiet!!!

No, Fuiggi wasn't quiet , but Rome was just a couple hours away by train!

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Religion and spirituality Buddha shakyamuni Maharishi mahesh yogi



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