--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > Surprisingly so. It's unlike Jim to be this angry.
> > He must have had a twist in his panties yesterday.
> >
> The other remark I have about my challenges to you and Vaj yesterday
> was that here you sit day after day after day, challenging much of
> what TM is and who Maharishi is, and all who respond do so in the
> context of evaluating TM and Maharishi.
> So yesterday, understanding that I apply merciless rigor to TM and
> Maharishi and the TMO with regard to my acceptance or not of them, I
> decided "why should Turq and Vaj be getting a free ride out of all
> of this?" Why not apply the same rigor and scrutiny to their
> practices as I do to my own?
> And the results were very eye opening, you True Believers
> you!...Lol! :-)

This is no news. Those two fellows are hardcore religious Budhists.

Sometimes I just wonder why they bother. Their actions here seems 

You brilliantly pointed out that they are jelaous of the self-
sufficiency of TM. No guru needed, no shaktipat needed, no retreats 
needed, no fancy ceremonies, no study of anscient obscure texts. 
Unless, ofcourse you actively seek it out within the TMO.
And, no organized religion.

Just simply 2x20 minutes a day. No wonder they get agitated.
Then pointing out to the obvious fact that Tibetan Budhism is a 
historic failure was like rubbing salt into the open wound.

This Vaj fellow avoided your question; "more experiements ?" for 
obvious reasons.


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