On Dec 20, 2006, at 10:28 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> You speek much truth Sal. But their is more to my story that I will 
> share at a later date. Maharishi has changed all of our lives and I 
> love him very much. I am willing to forgive Maharishi for mistakes 
> make in the past and in the present. We are at War. Humanity needs to 
> come together. Their are other Guru's who offer
> a more relaxed and appropriate environment but I have yet to find any 
> organization with 1,800 people that
> are meditating everyday. Besides, when I was with SSRS and worked for 
> Deep Chopra I missed Maharishi. I love everyone in my spiritual family 
> but Maharishi started this and even though I find myself
> complaining sometimes we do need to address some of the qualities that 
> are wonderful in the MUM community and Vedic City. Organic gardening 
> and working on an energy system that is self sufficient is
> a couple of the positive qualities. I feel strongly that Maharishi 
> will not be with us much longer. I want to
> be a part of the community when he passes over. Maybe in some small 
> way or big way I will be an influence to change things for the better. 
> This is my prayer. Love and Light. Lou Valentino

Agreed, Lou, MMY has had a huge impact on all of us, and I think most 
former TMers give him a lot of credit and still have a great deal of 
love for him.  But the values most of us heard when we started and the 
values expounded by the TMO now are two entirely different things.  
Part of love is knowing when to let go and move on.

And that doesn't mean moving very far.  You want to be part of the TM 
community and feel close to MMY, then come to FF.  You'll find lots of 
people here, many former TMers, involved in a huge amount of things 
that are sustainable and life-supporting, while enjoying life and 
letting others live theirs as well.  You know, doing highly 
controversial things like wearing comfortable clothes, drinking coffee, 
(gasp!) reading whatever they feel like, and living in beautiful old 
Victorians with real wood floors and neat little built-ins, as opposed 
to some SV bunker that looks and feels like it was designed with Fort 
Knox in mind.  There's also lots of neat restaurants, gatherings,  and 
other ways to get together with people and enjoy life on your own 
terms, not on some artificially-imposed ones by people who probably 
don't even practice them themselves, and who robotically parrot 
thinking they almost certainly have never actually thought about.

I understand where you're coming from, and was there for a long time 
myself.  But I feel that if you think that the TMO is suddenly going to 
see the light and change their attitude and open their hearts and minds 
once MMY passes, that you are going to be really disappointed.  Give up 
on that idea, and see how much freer you feel.


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