On Jan 6, 2007, at 1:00 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

cardemaister wrote:
Yoga-suutra mentions several stages of samaadhi.
The main distinction seems to be sabiija- vs.
nirbiija-samaadhi. The highest stage is, I guess,
I wonder what stage "typically"(?) is the one mentioned
in Vibhuuti-paada (third book). It's hardly nirbiija,
because of "artha-maatra-nirbhaasam". Or, then again,
I don't understand anything about the stages of
samaadhi, LOL.

Vaj wrote:
It's not pure samadhi in the vibhuti-pada, merely samyama.

Yoga Sutra 3.4: "Samyama is (awareness of) the three (dhâranâ, dhyâna,
and samâdhi) in one place."

Yes, exactly my point. It's mishra: mixed. Not pure.

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