--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nablusos108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> How do you know for sure ? In my opinion this is just wild 
> speculation, possible fed by rampant corruption in indian politics. 
> They have even arrested Swami Premananda and kept him in prison for 
> many years to try to get money from his western disciples. In India 
> there is no justice.

There is no justice in SaiBaba's region of India because he's a
multi-millionaire who has long since bought off the local politicos. 
One reason the multiple-murders that took place in his office years
ago were never investigated properly.  The rich like SB tend to do
well in India's justice system due to payoffs.

Plus the allegations are not coming from indian politicos, the most
damaging are coming from westerners who were once high up in his org,
like regional coordinators in the US, whose own children have been
seen by US doctors and sexual abuse verified.  These parents did not
want to believe the rumours for years due to their belief systems
around SB, but finally had to accept the truth.  SB's mistake was
starting to molest western kids - he got away with molesting the
indian orphans for yrs because they had no power whatsoever.

> Question. In 2004, Shankaracharya of Kanchi (South India) was 
> arrested and charged with murder. To protest against his arrest, 
> Muslims and Hindus were united in marching. Some Hindu monks say 
> there is fear of `trial by media'. (1) Behind the case of 
> Shankaracharya's arrest, are there any politicians' conspiracies to 
> get their own benefits using police force, as with the case of Swami 
> Premananda? (2) And furthermore, behind this sequence of plots 
> against spiritual persons is there the force of the so-called Black 
> Lodge? (3) Are the targets mainly Hindu spiritual leaders, because 
> Maitreya is now teaching in Hindu temples in London?
> Benjamin Creme. (1) Yes. (2) No. (3) No. The attacks on spiritual 
> leaders in India come from secular, right-wing groups who believe 
> they are creating a `modern' India no longer being influenced 
> by `superstition and religious corruption', which, they believe, has 
> held India back in the past.

Who cares what some astral being is telling Creme, esp since he's been
wrong on all his predictions since the 70s.


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