Emissions Already Affecting Climate, Report Finds

For the first time in nearly two decades of reviewing research on
global warming, the main international group studying climate change
has found that heat-trapping emissions from industry and other
activities are already influencing weather patterns and ecology in
ways both harmful and beneficial.

In its fourth assessment of global warming, the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change used its strongest language yet in drawing a
link between human activity and recent warming.

But the group, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said the
long-term outlook, should temperatures rise 3 to 5 more degrees
fahrenheit, was mainly for damaging and costly effects, ranging from
the likely extinction of perhaps a fourth of the world's species to
eventual inundation of coasts and islands inhabited by hundreds of
millions of people. 


Some authors said the report removed any doubt about the urgency of
acting to curb emissions of greenhouse gases.

"The warnings are clear about the scale of the projected changes to
the planet," said Bill Hare, an author of the impacts report and
visiting scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact
Research in Potsdam, Germany. "Essentially there's going to be a mass
extinction within the next 100 years unless climate change is
limited," added Dr. Hare, who previously worked for the environmental
group Greenpeace.

"These impacts have been known for many years, and are now seen with
greater clarity in this report," he said. "That clarity is perhaps the
last warning we're going to get before we actually have to report in
the next IPCC review that we're seeing the disaster unfolding."

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