I totally enjoyed that ride!  Great stuff.  Did you see the show where
John Stossel gave a hundred people the same Western astrology chart
and most of the people thought it was perfectly right on for the
specifics of their life and personality?  Even after her revealed they
all got the same chart of a serial killer many couldn't be dissuaded
that it was right on and amazingly accurate.

I didn't give Jyotish the rigorous test you did.  But I did drop a few
dimes on Chakrapani and one of MMY's astrologers who was a guest in
D.C.  They both were gung ho on my my marriage plans after doing both
of our charts, and Chakrapani picked our date.  I wish I had had the
foresight to have asked him to pick the most auspicious divorce date
in a two-for-one special! 

On a deeper note I am glad your son is doing well. You really pointed
out the need to be your own health advocate and not treat doctors like
priests. I am currently immersed in this constant battle with a loved
one's cancer care.  Good for you for being your son's hero and pushing
your way through the system.  You must have gone through all of the
levels of hell on that journey.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I kept a very detailed diary for the years when I was "into Jyotish."
>  I would go through a checklist every day and note if I'd been angry,
> happy, industrious, etc.  And then I put all this in a spreadsheet
> that allowed me to sort out things and see if, you know, I had more
> sex, or less depression, or business success on days when specific
> dynamics were operative in my chart.
> I couldn't find a single correlation.  Not a one.  When, say, oooooooo
> alert alert, Jupiter entered a certain house or WHATEVER, I couldn't
> find anything that had anything jyotish to point at as the causal
> agent.  Even on the broad level of say, dasha, I couldn't find
> anything.  Oh, yeah, I mood made a lot, and I had fun thinking about
> the possibilities, but that was it.  All unsubstantiated jive.
> I mean, you'd think I would have found SOMETHING.  But, nope, there
> wasn't always a "Mercury debilitated" or whatever to say, "There,
> that's the reason I lost it today."  
> Nothing, I tell you, nothing.  And I kept good notes like I was an
> insurance company actuary.
> Now, add to the fact that I paid money to about ten different
> astrologers plying their trade in the movement, and that not a single
> one of them predicted any of the "great turmoils" of my life, none
> helped me get clarity about my personality, none told me anything that
> helped me, you know, handle life.  Nope.
> And add to it that at one point, I think that I paid for the services
> of every sort new age practitioner that breezed through Fairfield. 
> Oh, the shame of it.  I did the Filipino Psychic surgeon, the palm
> leaf guy, the Sanctuary of the Om guy, the nurse who could just look
> at you and tell you if you had a disease, Andy Rymer, Gandhi the
> movement's astrologer, that woman who removed Alien Implants by
> quietly screeching strange sounds at you, TM advanced techniques, and
> on and on and on.  What was it I got for my eleven thousand bucks
> spent like this? -- zip.
> Or worse.  
> That psychic nurse told me -- after taking my check for her $125 fee
> times SIX for my entire family -- that we were all "okay," but this
> person definitely needed to start eating beef, and this person....yada
> yada."  Well, my son had cancer -- advanced cancer -- that we didn't
> know about at the time, and that nurse just plain missed it....and she
> bragged that she'd gotten her start in the "healing business" by
> psychically identifying cancer for a physician she was working with
> who could then have at the cancer more effectively since it was seen
> earlier by this nurse's "profound abilities."
> If any jyotishis want a piece of me for "debunking their science,"
> have at me.  I'll give you my birth's time and place, and let's see if
> anyone out there can tell me the day my father died.  I'll be
> impressed if they can even get the right decade of my life in which it
> happened.
> And, by the way, ordinary physicians are almost no better.  One of my
> sons had a problem that required surgery, and I took him to NINE
> DOCTORS before the proper diagnosis was reached.  My other son with
> the cancer -- he made it by the way -- no remissions for ten years now
> -- was taken to three physicians who dispensed medicines that didn't
> work and it took about six months and a fourth doctor to identify it
> as cancer and to schedule surgery within 12 hours.    
> You know that old joke:  What's that white stuff in chicken shit? 
> Answer: more chicken shit.  Like that, I dare anyone to present an
> expert to me.  The white stuff in their resume is more jazz to get my
> money.  So don't get me started about so-called experts who tell us
> that we should believe them about anything because because because.  
> Oh wait, er, you did get me started now didn't you!  Sigh.
> Edg
> .  --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > Knowing your birth time will give you the proper ascendant for your 
> > horoscope.  An improper birth time can give you a horoscope that is 
> > completely off and does not fit at all.  No, you don't wander around 
> > worrying about what you are doing is correct with your horoscope.
> > it can provide some useful insight into career paths, marriage and 
> > particularly how long some bad period you are going through is
going to 
> > last (hint: they don't last forever).
> > 
> > Karve does an amazing job of constructing a horoscope in his head. 
> Most 
> > cases he has been on but in some a bit off.
> > 
> > 
> > Peter wrote:
> > > Ha! Who gives a flying f*** what their birth time is?
> > > What great difference does it make in one's life? Just
> > > live your life. Just another aspect of yogi bondage to
> > > be terrified about. "Oh no! Did I breath out of time
> > > with my jyotish?"
> > >
> > > --- Rick Archer <rick@> wrote:
> > >
> > >   
> > >> From a friend:
> > >>
> > >> many of you don't know your birth times and have not
> > >> been able to  
> > >> locate them. i have told a lot of you about a man in
> > >> india named ygoi  
> > >> karve who can tell a person their correct birth time
> > >> to the minute.  
> > >> he has a yogic technique using a mantra that gives
> > >> him this  
> > >> knowledge.  i have had opportunities over the years
> > >> to test him, not  
> > >> extensively but sufficiently enough to trust him,
> > >> and he has proven  
> > >> accurate every time.  he is coming to pennsylvania
> > >> in may and will be  
> > >> available for consultations.  you can find
> > >> information about his  
> > >> visit at
> > >>
> > >> www.arshavidya.org
> > >>
> > >> he will be visiting the gurukulam there as a part of
> > >> a course in  
> > >> astrology that is being offered with k.s.charak, a
> > >> teacher from  
> > >> india. charak has written many books on astrology
> > >> but i have not read  
> > >> them nor have i studied with him so i cannot say how
> > >> good the course  
> > >> is.  there are westerners teaching at this course
> > >> and another indian  
> > >> who is a student of charak's.  yogi karve is there
> > >> for that same time  
> > >> and offering consultations.
> > >>
> > >> details of the course can be downloaded here
> > >>
> >

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