OK, having some free time this morning, I thought I'd pull a Barry. :)  
So here's our latest poll, on who uses inflammatory language the most, 
since that seems to be a hot topic lately (apart from flinging dung, of 
course).  Now I'm not drawing any conclusions  one way or another, it's 
just a topic of conversation.  We report, you decide. :)

These are culled from all the posts made by these posters since they 
started posting here:  Judy, Curtis, Barry, and, just for balance,  
yours truly. :)

# of posts with the word 'liar' in them:

Judy: 137
Curtis: 19
Barry: 47
Sal: 8

# of posts with the word 'lying' in them:

Judy: 188
Curtis: 32
Barry: 84
Sal: 9

# of posts with the word 'hypocrite' in them:

Judy: 40
Curtis: 9
Barry: 19
Sal: 6

# of posts with the word 'hypocrisy' in them:

Judy: 132
Curtis: 10
Barry: 29
Sal: 8

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