Vaj wrote:
> That's only because the three are related in terms 
> of emergence. Non-dual Shaivite Hinduism is likely 
> derived from Zhang Zhung rishi's pre-Buddhist 
> Mantrayana and Mahasandhi. 
What in the hell are talking about, Vaj? There's no 
mention of "non-dual Shaivite Hindusim" in Patanjali's 
Yoga Sutras. "Hinduism" wasn't even invented in Patajali's 
time. If it was, he would have mentioned it, would he not?

> Advaita Vedanta is a Hindu reaction to Nagarjuna's 
> Madhyamaka.
What does that have to do with Patanjali?

There's no pre-Buddhist "Mantrayana" in Indian history 
either. You're confused - Mantrayana came much later with 
the tantric alchemists during the Gupta Age. In fact, 
there's no "pre-Buddhist" history in India. Indian history 
begins with the historical Buddha - everything before that 
is pre-history. 

> One should not confuse advaita with advaya.

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