why did you leave Purusha?
I did not pass the test of patience.    
The tests consisted of going on endless projects establishing 
different institutions all over the world. In the end I just ran out 
of enthusiasm.

I understand that.  You have not run out of enthusiasm for Maharishi 
obviously.  And personally, I find many of Mr. Creme's comments to 
be very prescient (big word), although there are many aspects of I don't relate to very well. But again, there is obviously 
no crack in your devotion to MMY.  Is it fair to say you have 
elevated him to pretty much "incapable of error" status.  (and 
really, I am not trying to bait you, although I admit I do snicker a 
little inside at your seeming absolute faith in him, but I don't 
judge you for it)(isn't that big of me)(here I sound like edg, being 
sure I keep the ego in check)


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