--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> He said:
> If you sincerely want to know the truth, I'll help you come to 
terms with
> Maharishi and the Movement. But Ricky, if your heart is already set 
and I
> would be wasting my time, then, you can go on with the negative 
> and good luck.
> I said:
> I thought a lot about this and kind of "felt" my way into it during
> meditation, and here's what I think (and feel). I love you, Bobby, 
> Morehead, Craig Pearson, my old Purusha buddies, and the many good 
souls in
> the movement. Most of the people I just mentioned love what they're 
> and seem to be thriving doing it. Bobby (to whom I'm Cc-ing this 
> absolutely glows with love, energy, and enthusiasm. I consider him 
a genuine
> saint, (although, being a genuine saint, he wouldn't admit or even 
know that
> he is). So many of the people I just mentioned are brilliant at 
what they
> do. I couldn't hold a candle to them. My heart recoils at the 
thought of
> engaging them in a conversation in which I would be obligated to 
bring out
> things that might dampen their enthusiasm and devotion. If it ever 
> more evolutionary for some of these people to leave the movement 
than to
> stay in it, then probably that's what they'll do. Most of those who 
stay in
> the movement will see them as having fallen or become deluded, 
> seeing their course of action as perfectly acceptable might shake 
> foundations of their own motivation. But those who leave can live 
with that.
> The conditions you've set up for our discussion are not equitable. 
> clearly imply that you possess "the truth" and that I am mired 
in "negative
> judgments" from which you might extricate me. I don't regard you or 
> as having a monopoly on the truth. If some of my own judgments are 
> negative, I'd certainly like to revise them. Others may be 
insightful or
> well-informed, but for you to see them that way would be to start a 
crack in
> the cosmic egg, and as I said above, I don't want to do that. I 
don't mean
> to sound condescending, but chicks have to peck their way out. 
Helping them
> from the outside can be injurious.
> My guiding principles are pretty well expressed by the quotes on 
the home
> page of FairfieldLife:
> "What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find 
out, which
> is the exact opposite." ~ Bertrand Russell
> "The healthy mind challenges its own assumptions." ~ The I Ching
> "Whatever you think, it's more than that" ~ Incredible String Band
> "Believe nothing merely because you have been told it. Do not 
believe what
> your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But
> whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be kind,
> conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings -- 
> doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide." ~ Dharma-
> Buddha Shakyamuni
> "Take what you need and leave the rest." ~ The Band
> I do not claim to know the truth. I hope my judgments, if I am 
making any,
> remain open to revision as new information presents itself. And I 
try never
> dismiss any information out of hand. "Pretty much any topic is fair 
> (Another line from the FFL description.) We don't live in a black 
and white
> universe and a fundamentalist, holier-than-thou attitude, whoever 
> it, is a reflection of individual ego, not of the true nature of 
things. It
> reveals a failure to appreciate God's infinite, all-embracing, 
> nature.
> So I hope we always remain friends, and can spend some fun time 
together, as
> I often do with the Moreheads, without friction over our different
> orientations. Perhaps a few years from now we'll each see things 
> different perspectives, and long discussions will be appropriate and
> fruitful.
> Your pal,
> Rick
> P.S. The Vikings say they're coming for you next.

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