--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "matrixmonitor" 
> ---It's quite true that many people not doing any Sadhana are 
> evolved; but it's also true (imo) that they can be MORE highly 
> evolved by taking up some type of meditation practice, or perhaps 
> chanting..  Your opinion differs from that of MMY - since he 
> at one time believe in and expected an ideal objective to become 
> manifest: Make TM available to the entire world.
> . My take on his objective:  (no...not save the Cheerleader, save 
> world); but get things right globally - spread the practice of TM 
> as many people as possible.  That's one of my objectives.  What's 
> yours?  Thanks for your input.
>  Of course, one can look at evolution from any materialist angle. 
> Chuck Yeager was highly evolved as a test pilot and was the first 
> person to break the sound barrier.
I agree that anyone doing any spiritual practice will accelerate 
their evolution. And I am in complete agreement that the more people 
do TM the better. On the other hand, many of the old meta thoughts 
of the earth's population and beyond seem to have grown obsolete 
very quickly in the past few years. No more juice. Sort of like 
MMY's declaration that test tube science is all but dead, or 
impotent for this task.

Its a curious phenomenon, for I am enough of a realist and 
pragmatist to recognize that many souls continue to suffer, and the 
work is not done yet. On the other hand the days of actively 
generating momentum for the world's people to suffer less seems 
over. At least in conventional ways. 

The momentum carries on naturally now, habitually, spiritually, 
globally thoughtlessly. From a personal perspective, for example, I 
am far more interested when engaging others in public or socially 
that I can uplift them by expressing inclusive and loving values, 
keeping an open mind and heart. 

>From a meta perspective, there are siddhis-like practices that I 
have developed purely out of a desire to do so, that change the 
auric energy for large groups or individuals. There is a lot that I 
do with this second sight that changes the spiritual "weather", 
lightening the auric energy, absorbing atmospheric impurities in my 
gut, transforming the energy or opening a channel for Divine Light. 
This is not to be confused as something of a personal nature and I 
just do it to satisfy the Divine nature of my heart. 

And it is completely hidden from daily life and others. No one else 
sees it. It is not about "me" or "mine". These meta practices 
naturally evolve in any of us of with a genuine desire for positive 
world change. What form that desire specifically takes for each of 
us, no one can predict. It is according to desire, ability, and 
Dharma. And something more to watch with profound peace and 
gratitude, than get caught up in. There is never an absence of 
things to learn.

I believe it is a fundamental desire in all of us to improve our 
surroundings and the lives of those around us. As basic as 
breathing. Once that is awakened it must be seen through to 
fruition. It feels to me as if that impulse is strong enough in the 
world that it has taken on a life of its own, through you, and me,  
and so many others. 

How that gets expressed, how it all fits together, and how the 
momentum for quantum change moves forward in this world cannot be 
rationally explained by any theory or formula, except in general 
terms. "If only everybody would..." is a dead empty phrase and 
thought these days, though will always be lively in the Heart of the 
Divine. The only thing that can be said with certainly is that this 
change is occurring very quickly, through each one of us who has 
awakened within ourselves the desire for a better world.

So if we see MMY's ideas as seemingly insane or impractical 
initiatives, or continue to see areas of the world mired in trumoil 
and/or destruction, we can know in our hearts that underlying it 
all, there is the hidden half of the world, the shadow world, where 
darkness and ignorance are being embraced, blessed with light and 
assuming their rightful place, bowing ever in service to the Divine. 

This transformation of the earth can no longer be comprehended in 
purely human terms. The intellect is frozen or frustrated and 
frenzied in its ability to understand it. There is no "key evidence" 
for or against it any longer. Just know that those with such a 
desire for a new earth will have their day, and that day will not be 
postponed, because of the ever increasing numbers of earth's 
citizens sharing this simple, eternal and coherent desire.

Is there anything that each of us must especially do? Not 
specifically. Just like there is nothing left to do when the Divine 
Mother and Father love their children, the result is ever expressed 
according to the myriad dynamics of the Dharma of world 
enlightenment; the kids will turn out allright. 

No worries, no comprehension in terms of human historical 
convention, just Being. As quietly glorious for each of us as we can 
and want to make it. Nothing more and nothing less; the 
enlightenment of the world is on pace and at hand, effortlessly. We 
just be ourselves now. :-)    

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