Edg writes snipped:
Amness is illusory.  A representation.  A symbol.  An activity of a
nervous system that, partially only, it is as close as a map can be to
the territory without being the territory. Brahma poses as Brahman and
fools everyone, including Himself.  Even the purity of amness cannot
find purchase on the Absolute which cannot be stained by any

Tom T:
A quote from Jean Klein from his book I AM page 85.
"In an experience there is still an experiencer who is stuck in the
pattern of going in and out of states.  Global understanding is the
sudden awareness that the perceiver of these states is unaffected by
them, that they appear in the perceiver. This insight occurs in a
flash when all the fragments preventing us from understanding, yet
which point towards it, unfold in the uninvolved witness. 
Awareness is the essential element allowing non-understanding to
become understanding. It does not result from accumulation as when we
learn something, a language or an instrument, for example.  It is
instantaneous like a flash of lightning where the various elements
preceding it are suddenly seen simultaneously and are re-orchestrated,
just as the particles drawn by a magnet fall into a pattern when they
become attached to it. This sudden vision can eliminate all previous
problems without leaving the slightest shadow of non-understanding.
This resorption into total understanding releases all the energies
usually molded into set patterns and opens the way towards ultimate
truth, oneness." (Tom comments, we could also use Wholeness or
Fullness in lieu of Oneness.)

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