On Jun 3, 2007, at 1:51 PM, authfriend wrote:

It begins:

"I've have had more than my share of dramatic business ups and downs.
I've had breathtaking successes. I've had violent train wrecks. I
danced euphorically with friends one day and I've experienced vicious
betrayals the next.

"Everyone has something extraordinary to offer and, at the same time,
everyone is seriously flawed. Even me. Especially me."

And there's a chapter in the book called:

"Finding Success in Failure, Accidents, Mistakes, Obstacles, and

It looks to me, from reading the material about
the book from Gratzon and others, that it's very
much along the lines of "The Secret."

I'm not endorsing Gratzon's approach, by the way,
or suggesting that TMers haven't crafted or gotten
suckered by get-rich-quick schemes. But Gratzon's
book ain't one of 'em.

My only point is that Vaj did not tell the truth
when he claimed there were links to get-rich-quick
schemes from a Google search for the phrase "Do
nothing and accomplish everything," and that he
continues to tell falsehoods in an attempt to cover
up that unfortunate fact.

As usual, though, nobody but me seems to think
there's anything wrong with that.

Don't assume that the world revolves around Google. Most of what I'm sharing will be apparent to those who actually have not lived sequestered lives but have some experience in the movement and the people who were part of it. I see Judy as someone very much on the periphery of the movement (likely not even able to meditate in the domes, a course reject) who only pieces together info from secondary sources. I postulate my claims based on direct experience of people involved in movement inspired businesses and the financial disasters that ensued. The reason no one supports your dissembling is they see it as just that: a second or third handed attempt to build an argument based on google-loka.

Maybe if you had some better social skills people could actually believe you've been out there and seen something, anything that supports your desperate attempts at salvaging your point. But based on your (apparently) sequestered life, I doubt you get out that much my dear.

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