--- Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  What does the self fear Most?- 
> The small self, or egoic self, fears most, it's own
> death.
> It's own death arrives, at the moment the intellect
> decides to give up 
> trying to figure it all out, and becomes
> 'Transclucent'.
> Therefore, the small self, ego, dies, to itself, it
> no longer exists.
> Poof, like it never really existed in the first
> place.
> In it's place is the awareness that replaces the
> ego.
> So, the ego is no longer identified, or empowered or
> even consulted.
> It's the death of the ego.
> When Jesus said, something about being born again:
> I believe he was making this point, of transcending
> the ego.
> So, you can see, that transcending the ego, has
> never been a small or 
> an easy thing, through time.
> But, now, things are changing, changing, it seems.

I would only add that giving-up trying to figure it
out is only a first step, for many, in the dissolution
of the ego. Once the intellect is not used to defend
and position the ego there is still a very deep and
foundational identification of pure consciousness
called the Ahamkara or I-thought. This is the
foundation of avidya or ignorance. It is the
experiential sense of individuality. This
individuality as is a delusion of the greatest
magnitude. It is an artifact of the projection and
identification of pure consciousness with space/time

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