Come find the Beauty life has to Offer 
Be a Great Existence - 
mantra diksha is a far cry from becoming a sannyasi - 
Yes a transmission occurs around an authorised Guru - and it 
is known here having spoken with one of Mahesh Yogis Sadhakas 
who WAS in direct proximity working within his home that he had 
NO consciousness changing experiences while there. Like 
with my Sadhakas when they come into my presence the mind 
stills - meditation just takes place effortlessly. This is a test and 
again one that fails the test with Mahesh Yogi. 
Maha Shanti OM 
As she also mentioned the Naga Baba traditions - which are later 
affiliates of the Dasanami and indicated she is part of it: 
The contact i had to the Avahan Akhada,where also giving mantra diksha 
to ordinary western women who didn't even ask for it. my friend, an 
israeli woman said she received quite a long mantra, unasked, by a 
mahant of the Avahan Akhada, after she spend coniderable time in his 
vicinty. They are really trying o initiate people into their fold, 
that is making you a sannyasi. In Ujjain there where at least 200 
western sadhus alne with the Juna Akhada. But my point is this: Okay, 
I admit that there are certain initiations that are kept secret, which 
in a sannyasi tradition you will get only after you are fully 
intitiated, that is, you are a sadhu. But for me a great master can 
shape the subtle body of a disciple by mere proximity. I have 
experienced this myself. If a master is great, he can simply give a 
transmission without words, if he feels a student is deserving. He 
wouldn't break a vow in this. While there are words only to be used 
for certain iniiates, this doesn't mean that the essence of that 
wisdom of a master couldn't be transmitted through other means, 
especially if this student has shown great dedication. Just imagine 
poor student Mahesh running around in the Ashram for GD, basically 
doing everything, organizing the procession for him at the Kumbh and 
all other places, but when it comes to the high teaching, Guru Dev 
would have to say - according to Swami Ganga: Sorry not for you, you 
are a mere Brahmachari, and you will always be in this order. Of 
course if MMY would have been intent of becoming a Swami, he could 
have simply done the next best thing and leave GD, run off at the 
kumbh or in Haridwar to any other sadhu and ask for initiation and 
there wouldn't have been a problem, just like Swami G. did, or btw. 
any one of us could do with success if you are o willing. But he 
didn't do it because GD was his master, and he was completely 
dedicated to him, served him for 13 years etc. So you think GD just 
dumped him, saying: you are not a Brahmin, you are only a Brahmachari? 
I find this logic ridiculous and even arrogant. 
Who said anything about GD "dumping" MMY. Why is it impossible to 
have a rational discussion with a tmo devotee??? There's a world of 
difference between the assertion that mmy is not the formal successor 
to GD's tradition and saying GD dumped him. 
G yes indeed - a vast difference - just like my Sadhaka's may be
initiates but 
by no means are 99.9 % of them at this point authorised to be a Guru.
is one that is within training for this as the consciousness is at a
level to do 
so. ----- there are others up and coming. 
I certainly did not say that, nor did I mean to imply it. GD was said
to be harsh of M. but never would have shunned such a devoted student. 
The person who said that M. was not a yogi was actually one of the
Shankaracharyas IIRC. 
I would think common sense could also make this clear. If M. was a
yogi, he could have easily written a brilliant book or even better a
course with his sharp intellect. But this is clearly not the case.
Instead they found a HS gym teacher to do so and those formed the sets
used for rounding. I'm sure many here have the booklets (which now
circulate in PDF form). 
G he has NO buisness to give practices which can awaken Kundalini when
he has 
no idea of HOW to keep the Sadhaka's within balance. This is not
something you 
look for an outside source to get help with. Only one that is a
completed Kundalini 
Master is FIT to be a Sat Guru in a tradition where Kundalini
awakenings are 
generated as a matter of course. 
Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . . 
Vaj, I've never heard how Maharishi received (or appropriated) 
the "Yogi" suffix, but do you believe that it is only correctly 
accorded a Hatha Yogi? Certainly, Guru Dev was spoken of as a Siddha 
Yogi although no account I've read says anything about whether he did 
or did not do Hatha Yoga. 
And if memory serves, Cenkner's Ph.D. thesis on the development of 
the SRM mentions that at Guru Dev's ashrams meditation and pranayama 
was emphasized/practiced more than asanas. If so, then Maharishi's 
own lack of expertise might be why he enlisted the help of a more 
formal practitioner. 
G a Sat Guru has NO Need for help from a more formal practitioner. A 
Sat Guru KNOWS how mantras work - what practices will enduce what 
responses. The fact that he has to go elsewhere again points clearly 
in the direction is that he is decieving others as to where he actually 
sits in regards to being fit to be a Guru, even if there were some
way he could be authorised. 
>Hi thanks for the quick response. Still I feel that she is tiptoeing 
>around the points. These points or rather my main point is, that 
>within the Saraswati Order, as well as two others within the Dasanami 
>System, only Brahmins can be made Swamis, period. This is different 
>for Puri and Giri, Bharati and most other. Swami G is simply not 
>addressing this. 
You seem to posses quite a lot of knowledge on this. Thanks for sharing 
with us. Since I have no knowledge of all these controversies; does 
this mean that this Guru/Swami can not have been ordained as she 
claims ? 
G oh i assure you my consecration is valid - it was performed by the 
Maha Pujari of the Shankaracharya of Kanchi Puram. ( Sita Ram) ---- so
all hindu 
rites have been done under 100 % authorised and valid methodologies. 
i am of the Juna Akadha and was ushered in through another Sannyasi 
and this is the way it is done. Would be happy to share pictures of the 
ceremony - 
Just for fun - these are things out of the norm that can and do take
as a matter of course. 
if you look at the fire you can see Shakti appear as the flames 
holding a conch shell with a Garuda emmerging out of the back 
of the head ------- all of this is very symbolic and is a rare occurance. 
If you are familiar with Shavite iconography you will be able to 
clearly identify Shiva as pashupati in the flames holding a Vel 
spear - with a cresent moon - and the stylized antelope or deer which 
is always shown with this version of shiva. ---------- again a very
rare occurance. 
more on this : 
Pashupati - divine herdsman 
Shiva's insignia is a bull, a vrishabha, called Nandi, a symbol of
restrained power. Shiva holds in his hand an antelope, said to be
Ushas, who sought his protection as Brahma chased her.The antelope
represents all creatures under Shiva's protection and grace. It is
also a symbolic representation of the restless mind brought under
control by the practice of yoga. Dogs are considered as foul and
inauspicious, they are dear to Shiva. When he wanders across the world
as a begger dogs 
often accompany him. 

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