--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 

> It seems to me that the states of mind people refer to as states of
> "enlightenment" are shifts of awareness that are more fundamental 
> a compulsion to return to a favorite emotion (outrage for example).

*lol* Yes, I wouldn't equate enlightenment with a compulsion to 
return to a favorite emotion (or the opposite, either), but then 
again, I don't particularly see Judy that way. I *do* see her 
intellect as generally crystal-clear, and that she won't 
tolerate "fuzzy" thinking. I think some of what you're seeing as 
outrage may be her belief that you must be "choosing" to think 
fuzzily, i.e. to consciously lie, when IMO you almost certainly 
aren't. I know I wasn't consciously "choosing to lie" when I would 
make anti-MMY or anti-TMO statements; I was just wounded, angry and 
resentful and I tended to make baseless and illogical generalizations 
when coming from that space. (Perhaps it's that sacred DNA in the 
base of my spine; I'm predominantly Irish.) God knows, my mind has 
*never* been well trained in logic, so you can imagine the shambles I 
was (unconsciously) in when coming from a victimized space! And now, 
the joke is, I can do nothing *but* lie! (Not true.) Whenever I make 
a statement, the opposite instantly surfaces to be appreciated as 
well (Not true.) :-)
> I'm quite sure I'm in over my head in a discussion of your state of
> awareness, 

*I* am in over my head in a discussion of my state of awareness...:-)

Let's just say I place no ultimate importance on the state my 
awareness happens to be in right now, as it's just another state. 
Dang! Even That's a lie. It's the ONLY state. Liar! Liar! It's 
BEAUTIFULLY ordinary. Nope. My pants are on fire! (Who was it who 
said Brahman was slippery? Oh yeah, me. And MMY. He also said *why* 
it was slippery: That the intellect, Buddhi, becomes so clear as to 
be virtually non-existent, revealing the substratum of the Atman, the 
Self, everywhere. And the Self is utterly indescribable, containing 
and transcending all opposites. That is pretty good, for a lie! :-) )

I *do* currently like to place a lot of attention on the particles in 
my Being, as they love the lovin' and it gets the juices flowing to 
turn this burg into a hopping, popping, psychedelic paradise. Love is 
the ultimate particle accelerator, baby! HOOah! :-)

>but isn't your experience a shift concerning your
> relationship of your identity (Self) with your thoughts and 

I don't know. I could say Yes, but I could just as truthfully say No. 
All of the above, none of the above. I can't be pinned down, even by 
saying I can't. Because I can! Not! Can! Not! :-)

>  This should give you more choices concerning where you put your
> attention within your thoughts and feelings options, right?  

I don't know. (Do so! Do not!) Should it? (Shouldn't it?) Was that 
what they promised? Maybe I should ask for my money back? My selves 
are too virtual to be described, I think. Or don't think. :-)

> you may not be choosing the state itself and its perspective, it 
> to me that it is different from a person feeling compelled to think 
> certain thought or harbor a specific feeling.  The lack of choice 
> be the same, but the outcome is almost the exact opposite.  

So oppositely opposite as to be the same, maybe. I only know that I 
am in no condition to ascribe to another what is not in myself, as I 
am only seeing those values in those particles by virtue of the 
essences in my own Being -- which is why I may be entirely wrong on 
my appraisal of Barry and Steve; I am only operating from and 
creating on the resonance(s) of memory. In fact in one sense I am 
absolutely wrong, for I *know* that ultimately there is only the 
radiantly Indescribable Self singing in each particle of each of Us.

>I think
> Turq's speculation of a lack of self-reflective ability may be on 
> mark.  

*lol* Then I would say, enjoy that reality between you! It's not 
predominant among my realities or perceptions, but so what? I just 
thought I'd give a minority opinion. To me she is a Dharmapala, but I 
wouldn't want to be taken for Gospel. (I don't take *Gospel* for 
Gospel, if it comes to that. :-) )

> I appreciate that you are open to discussing your subjective
> experiences. Although I might use different language to describe my
> own internal experience, the subject fascinates me whatever the
> language used. 

And I appreciate and respect *your* openness, Curtis! It's been a 
real pleasure getting to know you here. Thank you. :-)


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