> In a message dated 6/28/07 1:34:39 P.M. Central  Daylight Time, 
> MDixon wrote:
>>>> IS the venom of the left so natural to you that you don't even  recognize 
>>>> it when it is spewed?
>> Bhairitu wrote: 
>>> You are the pot calling the  kettle black.
>> Yes, the venom is so natural that  Bharat2 didn't even mention Bill Maher's
>> hate speech, or even  acknowledge it, yet Bharat2 is a Bill Maher watcher.
>> So, I'd say that  rather than Dixon being the pot, that Bharat2 is both pot
>> and kettle,  since it was Ann and Bill that made the comments, not Dixon.
> I was commenting  on Dixon's comment not Maher or Coulter.
> Right Nooz, and my comment  was too Sal who had asked," Let's see you provide 
> an example. Notice that they  never do-they just speak in vague 
> generalities.They can't, which is why they  don't." So put my question to Sal 
> in context. 
> Surely she isn't so blind or  uninformed that she doesn't hear or read the 
> venom constantly poured out by the  left or either it is acceptable in her 
> eyes. 
> What is good for the goose is good  for the gander. There seems to be a 
> number 
> of people in this forum that think  the left can do no wrong and are 
> justified 
> in anything they say yet if somebody  from the right makes an equally 
> offensive remark back, that crosses the line and  isn't very nice. BTW I gave 
> Sal the 
> example she challenged me for and so did  Shemp.
Just turn on Fox or your local Rush outlet and you can here the vague 
generalities all the time.  View Robert Greenwald's "Outfoxed" 
documentary where the generalities are clearly demonstrated from Fox 
clips.   Why do you want to affiliate yourself with members of the 
Fourth Reich which is what this breed of right fascism is about?   And 
do you really expect those of us who are progressives to just roll over 
and play dead?  You've been duped into voting against your own best 
interests.   Bush and Cheney think they are dictators.  Do you really 
want to live in a dictatorship?  

I listen a bit to talk radio, some of it is Air America where like to 
listen to Thom Hartmann who has good well research opinions then I like 
to listen to some of the "constitutional conservatives" such as Alex 
Jones and the guests he has on.  Alex likes to be well researched too 
these days.  Alex has also been a guest on Thom's show.  Sometimes (or 
too often) Alex goes a little over the top but in general his shows are 
often interesting and there are a few others on GCN like Webster Tarpley 
who are interesting to listen too.  The thing is some of these folks 
consider themselves conservative but they hate Bush, Cheney, the 
NeoCons, the CFR and the NWO.  These as well as the preservation of our 
civil liberties and constitution are things we hold in common.   Hell I 
probably have more in common with Pat Buchanan and Bob Barr than I do 
with you, Shemp and Willie.  You guys don't seem to realize how much 
you've been duped and what you want to give up.  Some of the left has 
been duped too but most of us know the bigger picture and pull the rope 
to balance things out.

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