--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> Him:
> > No, I don't have time to clarify my position right now but you 
> might
> > remember that I don't doubt the notion of continuous witnessing 
> (in fact,
> > I've had very long stretches of it) nor even of "celestial 
> god
> > consciousness" (though it is defined and described variously); 
> it's just
> > that direct experiences has taught me that these experiences are 
> not very
> > valuable.  I don't call these states enlightenment, thought they 
> DO fit
> > the Hindu model of what the term (in it's various forms: bodhi,
> > jivanmukta, brahmavidya, etc.) means.  
> This reminds me of what Rory said a few posts back about CC, GC and 
> UC being transitory states. I remember distinctly "peaking" on GC 
> experiences; seeing angels, Deities, Galactic visions away from 
> earth, Guru Dev, blah, blah, blah, and through it all, I was 
> definitely NOT enlightened. 
> My vision was certainly clear, and this  skill I picked up by 
> practicing siddhis has stayed with me, but just because I could see 
> such things, and dwell in both Heaven and Hell didn't mean that I 
> had achieved my eternal freedom, Self Realization, or enlightenment 
> yet.:-)

Yes, I have found as long as "I" am claiming C.C., G.C., or U.C., 
and "Brahman" has not yet claimed "me," I am not fully liberated, and 
am still attached or bound to experience. 

Along these same lines, when you were asking about how we fall into 
ignorance, I find that consciousness *constantly* collapses into the 
particle, to experience the effect of our causative and innocent 
thought as a created being, to enter into the world of our own 
making. If the consciousness *believes* the particle-experience, or 
is caught in a given belief, it identifies with the concreteness of 
the effect and forgets the subtle simplicity of its own cause; it 
finds the bindu to be binding, and experiences the ignorance of the 
particle, or more accurately the particle's ignorance of the freedom 
of ourself, of That-Self. 

When we remember "Oh, yes, this particle-experience is not me; it is 
only one infinitesimal particle in the emptiful, Indefinable, 
Ungraspable That-Self," then Brahman remembers itself, and acts as 
the "Cosmic Consciousness" of the particle -- and so on, as described 
earlier :-)

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