> > > On Jul 30, 2007, at 3:36 PM, jim_flanegin wrote:
> > >> > This reminds me of what Rory said a few posts back about CC, 
GC and
> > > > UC being transitory states.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:
> >  
> > > Yet this is just new age speculation. 

Rory wrote:
> > 
> > Au contraire, mon frere -- it is my direct experience :-)
> > 
New wrote:
> Yet Jim in a post yesterday dismissed the analogy of acid induced
> states of being as not valid because they were not permanent. 

I think that was me, actually. 

IME, "ignorance," "C.C.," "G.C.," "U.C." -- any "state of 
consciousness" is transitory, because it's claimed by a particle 
still believing itself to be "in" the Universe, subject to space and 
time and experience; only That which is the culmination of "U.C.," 
Brahman recognizing itSelf, is permanent, because it has always been 
here, just as it is, and the "I-particle" eventually gets tired of 
superimposing difference, distinction, intellect, upon That and 
surrenders into the utter perfection of what is, what has always 
been, what will always be.


> Thats not a gotcha quote. But a continuing crack of wonderment at 
> cosmic egg of your View. And while some may trot out the tired (IMO)
> saw of "you just can't handle paradox" -- I remind you of my view 
> mundane parodoxes are often not profound -- and are certainly not 
>  by the fact that they contradictory statements. Sometimes, most of
> the time, contrdictory statements are just what they are.

I must be missing something, New, because I don't even see a 
contradiction here, let alone a paradox! Could you elaborate?


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