--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > I'm wondering what value Charlie Lutes tapes have for most of us 
> > here.  
> > 
> > I think just about everyone has posted something negative about 
> > his prognostications -- my contribution was that I personally 
> > heard him predict that in a couple years (1974 at the time) there 
> > would be a "finding of the space ship Jesus used to come to earth 
> > parked inside the pyramid."  When I personally asked him about 
> > this prediction a decade later, he denied ever saying it.
> [snip]
> I knew Charlie personally for 20 years. You're lying that he made 
> such a claim about Jesus in a spaceship.

Hell hath no fury like someone who's been taken
in by a charlatan for 20 years.  :-)

I'm just going to sit back and enjoy Edg taking 
John to the cleaners over this one. Unlike him,
I can't claim to be omniscient about what Edg
heard and didn't hear. :-)

What I can be more than a little certain about
is Charlie's tendency to lie with a straight
face. There was a time when International Staff
was getting reports of odd things he was reported
to be saying in his Friday night meetings -- stuff
about space aliens and Jesus reappearing, etc. So
the Regional Office assigned me to go to a few of
his talks to find out. 

I did, because Charlie's on a Friday night was the
best pickup spot in town. :-) Charlie talked a blue
streak in those meetings, about all sorts of stuff
that was clearly "off the program," and worse, he
*never made a distinction between what was stuff
he read in books or made up himself and what
Maharishi taught*. He just lumped it all together,
so the people in the audience were left with the
impression that it all came from Maharishi.

I reported back what I had heard, and even gave
them tape recordings I had made on my little mini-
recorder. When asked a little later by one of the 
Regional Coordinators whether he'd said these things, 
Charlie denied ever having said a word of it. Where-
upon the RC played Charlie the tape. Charlie supposedly 
(I wasn't there at the time, thank god, or I'd prob-
ably still have an astral Charlie on my ass from beyond 
the grave) stormed out of the room red-faced. 

Did Charlie Lutes lie? Like a rug.

But then so do most human beings, especially those
who lie to themselves a lot. 

I now leave John in the loving hands of Edg, whom
he has called a liar. May John R.I.P.  :-)

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