--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  If you put stuff on the sidewalk for free it usually justs 
> sits there until the cops come along and tell you to move it.
> I know my neighbors tried that and it didn't work.   I often see
> people putting out old computers and monitors for free trying to
> avoid the $25 charge per unit for disposal.  Even throwing AAA
> batteries in the garbage can get you a prison sentence.
> I had a couple bags of clothes to give away and there is a
> Goodwill van at the top of the hill.  Problem is the van is
> usually full and the attendant (who is there so people don't
> just leave stuff outside anyway) has no idea when an empty
> one will show up.

This won't help with dead batteries or anything else
that's completely unusable, but there's a growing
movement called "freecycling" or "freesharing" via
the Web; Yahoo has a bunch of local groups where
you can post about something you no longer need and
somebody who wants it can contact you privately and
make arrangements to come pick it up. I've gotten
rid of a bunch of stuff I didn't need that way (and
it was lovely to meet the folks who took it).

The whole idea is to avoid putting more stuff into
the landfills and dumps, and give items that are
still useful a second life.

One guy regularly responds to posts for used
computer equipment of all kinds; he picks it up,
refurbishes it, and donates it to schools and senior

Most groups have policies in place to foil resellers
who try to get in on the action.





There are also usually thrift shops and other charities
that will accept used clothing in decent shape. You
have to watch out for these, though, because some of
them bundle it up and sell it in bulk to entrepreneurs
who send it overseas to be sold, where it sometimes
cripples the local clothing industries. So be sure
you give it to a place that's going to sell it or give
it away locally. Most places will give you a receipt
for tax purposes.

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