--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> Cliff was well traveled, and had the opportunity to rise into the 
> higher echelons of TMO because of his business dealings.  So, he 
> always had plenty of good stories to share in this regard.  His
> handle was Cliffthedancer, and as well, he always had some fun 
> stories to share about his personal life.  He also served well as
> a reality check, and could come down hard on either side of the 
> divide, political or otherwise.  Perhaps it was in this regard that 
> he ran into interference with Judy.

Actually, he "ran into interference" with me because
he repeatedly misconstrued what I'd said and tried to
put me down for what he *thought* I'd said. He didn't
like being corrected and usually backed out of a
potentially productive discussion rather than deal
with what I *had* said, because that would have
meant at least tacitly conceding he'd gotten it wrong
the first time.

It was really pretty strange, because he *was* generally
a very clear thinker.

I'll never forget the post in which he announced,
in response to a post in which I'd leveled some
criticism of George W. Bush, that I was incapable
of imagining anything Bush could do that I'd 
approve of. Or the time when I said something
negative about Wal-Mart and he demanded to know
whether I'd ever run a large corporation. Or the
post during the strip-tease discussion when he
claimed I was telling women what they could or
could not do with their bodies.

I mean, it was just amazing.

> I think some the frustration with Judy is that many come to FFL for 
> some easy banter, interesting discussion, venting, and Judy comes 
> with her game face on.

And I'm the only one here to whom that applies??


  Not to say that Judy can't show a lighter side, 
> (she does have a good dry sense of humor IMO)


, but the discussion
> pretty quickly ramp up to a level that squeezes out the fun.

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