Rick writes snipped:
> > --- many have left because they got sick of the bickering, 
> > even if they didn't participate in it. You and the rest 
> > of the AMT crowd have been valuable contributors, and I 
> > would hate to lose you, but as I recall,FFL was a much 
> > more harmonious place before you all arrived. 
> > 
Tom T wrote:
> We all are sick to death of it. If you insist then take 
> it back to AMT where no one gives a sh*t what you say or 
> do.
You tell 'em, Tom - send the rascals, Judy, the two Barry's
BillyG, Kirk, John, George, and Vaj back to Usenet where they 
belong, so they can bicker all they want to. Why they'd want
to post here is beyond me. Only one of them, that I know of,
has ever even been to Fairfield, IA, but none of them have
porbably been within 1,000 miles of a Marshy Golden Dome of 
Pure Knowledge in over twenty years. This used to be a nice
forum to visit. Whatever happened to those nice guys Tom Pall 
and Steve Perino? 

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