If Judy or anyone calls you a liar or fuckhead, they should
> be banned for a week. Thats gratuatious flaming and is against
> the GUIDELINES. [caps added]

It sure ain't gratuitous when it's in response to a
post headed, "Time to vote -- Who's a bigger liar
and fuckhead? John or Edg?"

All of my discussions today has in the context of the guidelines. 

as i said, 

"Make all the distinctions that you want Judy. 
It does not in any way change the fact that being blatently rude,
making personal attacks and insults, hurling profanities against
 another is against the FFL guidelines. "

That is my point, my focus, on the guidelines. If you want to discuss
something else, thats fine. I am not interested in the moment. I am
not commenting on any other context or discussion. I have written 6
posts or so today on enforcing the guidelines. This post was in that

I said "If Judy or anyone calls you a liar or fuckhead, they should
be banned for a week. Thats gratuatious flaming and is against

I simply maintained my focus on the guidelines.

If you misconstrued my intent, or I was not clear in my writing and
you somehow feel slandered, I am sorry for that.

None of this side, IMO side, discussion changes the fact:

"being blatently rude,making personal attacks and insults, hurling
profanities against  another is against the FFL guidelines. "

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Make all the distinctions that you want Judy. 
> > 
> > It does not in any way change the fact that being blatently rude,
> > making personal attacks and insults, hurling profanities against
> > another is against the FFL guidelines. 
> I never said anything about whether anything
> was or was not against the FLL guidelines.
> Please stop creating straw men.

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