Rick wrote:
  Sometimes it’s hard for me to tell what’s derogatory. When I first introduced 
this topic, Bob Brigante said, “Piss off, you idiot” and I took that as humor. 
Edg has a problem with Nabby’s “You need a checking.” The obvious implication 
is “you’re meditating incorrectly and if you were really doing TM properly then 
you would be thinking clearly, like me.” Is that a personal derogatory remark 
or just a reflection of Nabby’s world view, which doesn’t trouble me in the 
  The "you need" phrasing (in "you need a checking") is a clue that someone is 
stepping on someone else's toes. If not insulting them, at least certainly 
telling them what they should do. When a person starts telling others what to 
do, I think it always borders on an insult. 
  The safe thing is to keeps remarks impersonal and focused on the topic (not 
the poster). Then one stays far from the edge of the cliff. Why should we treat 
people less civily here than we do in "real life"? Society has rules for what 
is considered rude, and in social situations we are happy to abide by those 
distinctions. Why shouldn't they be good enough for us here? 

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