
Yes, there are many problems with the videos.  If I had any other 
resources available, I could have solved many of them.  Even with 
that, I chose not to script my dialogue.  I wanted everyone to see 
that very few things were planned, except the solution preparation.  
But to get from Readers' Point A to Jeff's Point B, that is 
infinitely relative for the reader.  A number of people have written 
me, chemists and chemistry students who were astounded.  These are 
people who know what is possible but are simply missing a few details 
to make it possible for themselves.  Individuals who have no 
understanding of the chemistry of life will find it impossible to 
grasp from the videos alone.

As far as shaking up world beliefs, you're right.  But the world 
needs to catch up, and quickly, as I am not stopping with this.  It 
will be thrown at them very soon and they can either stand in 
confusion and frustration, or they can catch up quickly.  This has 
happened many times in the past with drastic world belief changing, 
such as the world being round, the Earth not being the center of the 
universe and the like.

But I understand your perspective on the difficulties ahead with 
this.  But I can be quite resourceful if in a desperate enough 
situation.  I and my wife want this house in Indiana on the lake.  We 
will get it one way or another, as living at my mom's is not an 
option.  We want a family and we will get it one way or another.  I 
am choosing to sidestep the scientific community on a whole with 
paper submission to journals and the like, as I've been down that 
road with my Riemann Hypothesis Proof (that carries a million dollar 
prize, which nobody wants anyone else to win), as well as other 
inventions and scientific discoveries I've made over the years.  To 
date no one is giving me credit, even as I watch the experiments 
repeated by fully creditialed institutes months or years later after 
I discovered it who give absolutely no reference to me who discovered 
it earlier and reported it to scientists on the Internet.  They make 
the press, which leads to their further funding and prestige.  But I 
have been patient with this to date.

I'll give you an example of my take on resourcefulness.  One time I 
was driving my car from Phoenix to Toledo when it overheated in the 
desert mountains and blew a gasket.  Well, I was stranded with no 
cell phone and no water or food.  I felt like I hit a brick wall, as 
something was stopping me from leaving so it seemed.  So, in 
desperation, I started walking in the direction of Toledo, as cars 
whizzed by not even slowing.  I said to myself, I am not going to 
worry the least bit; if no one stops by to come to my aid before I 
reach my wit's end, I will simply start a desert fire and stop all 
the traffic.  Of course I'd be arrested, but at least I'd be safe and 
I would survive.  I will not be ignored if it costs my life needs.

Now my life needs are a bit different.  I have $70 to my name to last 
me until next week to provide my wife and I food, but we are 
content.  So, I have passed on my discovery to the world via the 
Internet and I will give it one week for at least someone to step 
forward and begin to talk of the future research in one way or 
another.  All I want is simply to begin discussions on how to take 
this discovery to the next step.  If this does not happen, then I 
guess I will move on to Plan B.  Now Plan B is far off from any 
desperation, such as the desert fire analogy.  But every brick wall I 
hit, I get more resourceful.  I will start applying for jobs at gas 
stations and/or grocery stores over the next week...a horrible break 
from my successful careers of the past.  But I want to remain un-
contented.  As long as I am not content, I can keep pushing this 
discovery forward all the more, knowing somehow that it needs to be 
the source that will give my wife and I a decent life.  That's all 
I'm working for, and it will happen...one way or another. 

Now, Robert Bussard is one of many other stories who disappear into 
the realm of science fiction.  It is a hopeless injustice.  However, 
I bet he is content with his life not to push as hard as I.  Besides, 
it's easier for me to develop my experiments than he.  It costs me 
virtually nothing to acquire all the ingredients to my solution. In 
the meantime, I have made a cleaner version or Absolute Black.  It is 
not longer black at all, but pink.  It works even better as a massage 
solution.  It jump starts seratonin levels, helps one sleep and relax 
and heals the skin in very effective ways.  I don't need to market or 
sell this.  It's a free medicine for me and my family.  Everyone else 
simply is at loss...by their own choice. 

So, I realize I am sounding like a prick right now.  I'm just sharing 
my POV.  I have no means to present this discovery to the scientific 
community on their's or anyone else's terms, each change I make costs 
me money I do not have.  So what can I do other than move forward on 
my terms?



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeff,
> My main problem with your presentation is that there is simply no 
> for you to get from Readers' Point A to Jeff's Point B.
> It seems there is a way -- it's America and everyone has a chance to
> win the gold ring, but in fact, it just isn't easy to shake up the
> world's beliefs.
> Consider Robert Bussard -- this scientist's attempt to show his
> concept and get funding and serious attention is a deep lesson for 
> all, but you especially.
> Why?  Because Bussard has credentials up the yinyang, and he is
> nonetheless struggling to get funding for his invention.
> http://tinyurl.com/2c22az
> On this page, you'll see a link to a video presentation by Bussard. 
> Watch and weep.  He presents an "iron clad" "all we need is a bit of
> money" idea that really kicks ass, but even so, he must grind and
> struggle to get his "baby" welcomed by the scientific 
> I cannot think that anyone posting here would have the background to
> say whether Bussard should be funded or not, but don't miss the 
> that this video's standards of presentation is exactly what you, 
> should aim for.  And even then, you're going to struggle -- even 
> than Bussard has to because you're not a part of the establishment,
> and you're making claims far far far more astounding than Bussard.
> Edg
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jeffrey Cook <jnoelcook@> 
> >
> > Edg,
> >    
> >   It just occured to me tonight how hopelessly naive I have been
> about something: how difficult it would be to believe the validity 
> my experiments and the videos with all the nonsense we are fed daily
> on both the Internet and the Television.  It just seems that many 
> just learned to not believe anything, even when they are looking 
> at it.  I admit, I would be the same.
> >    
> >   But you made very good comments and I don't think perhaps I
> responded in the best way.  Maybe I didn't explain the answers to 
> questions.  Can you give me a mental picture of how you felt about 
> demonstration and what I could do better.  I really want to move 
> discovery along, but I do not think I can do this without feedback.
> >    
> >   So...can you give me a little more feedback, in terms of
> constructive advice of anyone's ideas as to how to handle this?  
And I
> would welcome if from anyone else too...even Mord.  ;)
> >    
> >   Jeff
> >

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