Off-world, where did you get that stuff about the kundulini? Is it a strong 
feeling you get, something some teacher predicted, something you read 
somewhere? It sounds kind of extreme to me. I think a new time is coming, but I 
hope transformation doesn't have to burn us alive. Kundulini can come burningly 
or softly. I've experienced it both ways. It's not meant to kill you but to 
open you. That's my take on it anyway. 

off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          --- In, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> > I've NEVER experienced the awakening of the kundalini! I only know
> > about it theoretically.
> > 
> > I haven't been following this conversation carefully, but might 
> > never
> > having experienced it account for your having a hard time 
> > that
> > others in the TMO have? 
> Yes, a lot! After 38 years I haven't, plus I still haven't heard 
> anyone here that has, and you haven't offered anything or anybody 
> has even claimed it!! Like, "I have a hard time believing", but
> believing whom????? Once is good, but would hardly qualify as
> functioning from the home of ALL the laws of nature.
> Have you raised your serpent fire, and if so, more than once?>>

Yes, but it is not a serpent. 
That is another misnomer of the theorists.

It is a purifying fire that will burn you alive, and there will be 
nothing left of you. It has the power to completely change the brain 
and body in short time. Overnight. And you will forget about chakras.

One day all humans will experience this and it will seem like 
Armageddon to them. The whole planet will go insane because they have 
no understanding of this. It will be planetwide and it will be a 
force that engulfs all humans. But what happens in the realm of 
matter will not be important since the transformation will occur 
completely, and the old self will be gone. History will be gone. You 
will die, and be re-born entirley as a completely new being. This is 
a natural flowering of the now pregnant Earth. She is pregnant and 
she is about to give birth. There will be much birthing pain, but the 
newborn baby will wipe all that from memory.

Kundalini will purify your brain as if someone took a hot poker and 
seered it into your brain, but there will be no pain, only bliss. 
However, there will be much fear and anguish among those who have not 
already had the experience, and have not acknowledged its frightening 
power, and therefore can face into the bright searing light and 
accept the fear. This will happen within the next 5 years planetwide.


> > By the same token, there are many who have a hard
> > time that people on this board or living in FF are enlightened. I
> >mean, they
> > seem so normal. There are even things about them we might not 
> >They
> > can't fly. How could they be enlightened?
> So are they enlightened? And how do you, would you know? Has anyone
> at FF claimed they were Enlightened, and if so, how many? Just one?


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