New Morning et al: writes snipped
___Thus, for example, I understand, directly, that thoughts, and
the subset of thoughts called desires, is not from any
individualities' effort. Thus, the nuance, that "might" be sympathetic
and understanding of Jim's and Rory's apparent position of: they don't
desire the end to suffering in Iraq because they are not in control of
such a desire, and such a thought never arose in them.

(On of the several things that is odd, IMO, here is that EVEN if the
thought to end suffering did not arise in them, at all, through
natural observation and interaction with the world, then at least it
was introduced to them as a possibility in the on-line discussion. And
yet "the thought to help the suffering in Iraq never arises in me,
thus how can I fulfill that desire" is the thought that still arises
in them.)     

In the past I have shared here an experience at the end of a Byron
Katie weekend workshop where she asked three questions of the 100+
folks on the weekend. 1. Who is Happy with their weight? 2. Who is
happy with the way they look? 3. WHo is happy with their life?. If you
are happy leave your hand down, if you answered No to any of the
question then put up your hand. There were only three hands down in a
sea of NO's. most folks were unhappy with their lot after a full
weekend of focusing on Loving What IS.  By the way Byron announced to
the entire group that when they could be happy with the hand that was
dealt to them then the War in Iraq was over for them. There seems to
be an understanding that comes with the knowledge of who you are that
it is all me and the only place I can fix is in me. The only place I
have any control over is in me. The best thing one can do for all of
creation is to deal with my monsters inside me and see how that
changes me and the universe. The final verses of the Shiva sutras
states it in a way that I find appealing.
Third awakening from Swami Lakshmanjoo version 

40. By the slight appearance of individual desire, one is carried far
away from the state of God Consciousness.

41. By firmly establishing one's own Self in the state of Turiya, all
desires disappear and individuality is lost into universality.

42. Such a yogi is liberated in life and as his body still exists, his
is called bhuta-kanchuki - having his physical body as a mere covering
just like an ordinary blanket. Hence he is supreme and one with the
universal Self.

43. After remaining in this state of universal Transcendental God
Consciousness, the functions of inhalation and exhalation
automatically take place with the object that this whole universe of
action and cognition is united in God Consciousness.

44. When one contemplates on the center of Universal Consciousness,
what else remains there to be sought in the practice of prana, apana,
and sushumna?

45. When a Shiva-yogi is completely established in God Consciousness,
he experiences this state spontaneously within and without or both.

I take verse 45 to mean that some will see all things inside them.
others will see all things as me but appearing to be outside as
opposed to inside me, and some will have it both ways. Rory and I got
into it one day in a conversation as he definitely sees it all inside
him. I on the other hand see it as all me but my inside is splattered
all over creation so it feels like it is outside. When I finally found
the above reference in verse 45 it all made sense and we both could
then understand the other. TOm T
PS by the way verses 41 and 42 are not a prescription but a
description of how it goes down. 

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