--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Judy,
> I just can't believe you're "into this" as much as you seem to be. 
> Are you just pulling my chain?
> To me, all my reading about aliens considered EVERY SINGLE concept
> about them, their psychologies, their technologies and, yep, why or
> why not they might use cropcircles for "some reason."  These are
> books by Carl Sagan, etc.  Scientists, ya know?  Want a reading 
> list?
> I just can't get there from here -- I just can't see an alien
> intelligence "messing with Earthlings" like that

Neither can I. Maybe you should have a look
back over my posts on this and see if you can
find any statement therein where I indicated
otherwise. And if you don't find any, maybe you
should think about how you managed to become so
convinced that this is what I've been pushing,
when in fact I've been steering folks *away*
from that idea all along.

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