Title: Message


When typing "o", substitution of waw with hamzah (for alef) happens after using Backspace or Ctrl-Alt and then Del, for example when clearing a line or the entire document in the test window, and then typing a word beginning with "o".

"Punctuation" I referred to includes the symbols you mentioned but also normal parentheses (as well as numerals). I found that a trick to remove the unwanted hamzah on waw is to type a hyphen (=pseudo-space) after this letter, but that's maybe a bit too clumsy and definitely not Unicode-compliant ...

BTW, if you say that you support input with a US or European keyboard, you should also reverse glyphs for left/right parentheses, brackets, and so forth. (Using the left parenthesis key for "opening parenthesis" and the left parenthesis key for "closing parenthesis" may be logical when dealing with so-called "weak" characters in RTL context but is misleading as the shapes you get are different from the shapes you type.)

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Nigel Greenwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 3:51 PM
Subject: RE: [farsiweb] Persian input with US/European keyboard

Re Peter E. Hauer's message of 12 Jun 2003:

Many thanks for your patient testing & feedback.

> I tried your demo at
> http://www.elgin.free-online.co.uk/fdemo_online.htm and found that
> some of the substitution rules you use are problematic (e.g., in the
> beginning of a new line, "oftad" generates ????? and NOT ????? ;

I can't replicate this, I'm afraid.

> in front of certain punctuation marks, "do" generates ?? and NOT ??);

Could you please specify which punct. marks?  Ah yes, you must mean
things like {}<>/.  We'll look into that.

> what's more, punctuation in LTR (Latin) insert mode does not work
> properly -- it always follows RTL rules!

This is true.  The Latin feature is intended mainly for the occasional word,
title or place name -- but I agree the punctuation should be correct if


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