On Tuesday 28 November 2006 16:01, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> 1) "FC-6" branch never points at "devel".
I know this 
> 2) An old common/branches can have "devel" point at ".fc6" instead of
> ".fc7".
> 3) The plague-client command-line does NOT contain anything like "devel"
> or "fc7". Only "fc6".
i know that  and i could not repoduce your problem
> 4) The buildsys was asked to build an fc6-tagged package for target fc6,
> but built a fc7 src.rpm.
Yes  and i have not yet worked out why it did.  Could you tar up your cvs tree 
so that i can disect it to see if it gives me any clues.

> I'm out of here. If nobody has fixed it, it might come back.
I said i was pulling at strings.  I hope it comes back so we can reliably 
repoduce it and fix it.

I really am trying to help 

 ,-._|\    Dennis Gilmore, RHCE
/      \   Proud Australian
\_.--._/   | Aurora | Fedora |

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