>>>>> "MS" == Michael Schwendt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

MS> Interesting would be any theory, where the .fc7 (for the generated
MS> src.rpm) can come from when nothing in the plague-client args
MS> contains "fc7".

Forgive me if it's already been covered in this discussion, but
doesn't the final package name actually come from whatever the
buildsys-macros packages defines the %dist tag to be?  (Assuming, of
course, that the package uses the %dist macro in its Release: tag.)

So it's possible that if the wrong buildsys-macros package got
installed into the mock chroot somehow, the package could come out
with the wrong name regardless of how plague-client was called or
which CVS tag the buildsys checked out.

All it would take to get the wrong buildsys macro installed would be a
typo in the mock config file.  But that should result in all packages
for that distro version getting the wrong %dist tag, and this seems to
be an isolated case.

 - J<

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