> 1. How did you find out about Fedora Test Days?


> 2. Was sufficient documentation available to help you participate in a
> Fedora Test Day?  If not, what did you find missing or in need of
> improvement?

Documentation was excellent.

> 3. Did you encounter any obstacles preventing participation in Fedora
> test Days?  How might they have been avoided?  Did you discover any
> workaround?

None - only took part on the nouveau day though.

> 4. Were you able to locate and download installation media for testing?
> Did it function as expected?


> 5. What follow-up actions do you expect after the Test Day?  Are your
> expectations currently being met?

Bugs fixed. Possibly a summary of how the previous test day helped
before talking about the next one?

> 6. Would you participate again in future Fedora Test Days?

Yes, dependent on barrier to entry.

> 7. Do you have any more general comments or any suggestions for
> improving future test days?

Just that I'm very glad they're happening. Well done.

Christopher Brown

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