On Thu, 2009-06-04 at 10:08 +0200, Michal Hlavinka wrote:

> > 2. Was sufficient documentation available to help you participate in a
> > Fedora Test Day?  If not, what did you find missing or in need of
> > improvement?
> mostly, see examples:
> good:
> Test Day:2009-03-26 Nouveau
> "
> /sbin/lspci -d 10de: | grep -iq VGA && echo "Join Nouveau Fedora Test Day" || 
> echo "No nVidia graphics hardware found."
> "
> bad:
> Test Day:2009-04-09 UEFI
> "
> FIXME|How to identify if your system supports UEFI?
> "
> This text was there for some time and than it just disappeared without any 
> answer.

The UEFI one was kind of a special case. The only people who actually
have appropriate hardware either work for BIOS companies, hardware
manufacturers, or in the testing department of companies like RH, and
everyone who has UEFI hardware certainly knows they do. :) We
intentionally under-promoted that test day because it was really only of
interest to a small and very definitely defined circle of people.

We should, however, have made that rather a lot clearer on the Wiki page
itself, for people who'd got into the habit of just looking at each
week's Test Day as it came. You're right there.

> > 7. Do you have any more general comments or any suggestions for
> > improving future test days?
> start them earlier in rawhide development phase. If tens of bugs are found 
> three weeks before freeze, we can hardly expect they are fixed in time.

Scheduling is a tricky point, yep: too late in the cycle and you can't
get fixes in, too early and the feature isn't done being written yet.
We're trying to think of ways to optimize scheduling as far as we can.

Thanks for your feedback!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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