On 14/06/09 04:47, Jesse Keating wrote:
Don't be clouded by who is requesting it.  Releng qa anaconda et al
would love to stop doing split cds. Less confusion on what to download
would be appreciated by many too. We are one of the last distros to
still do cd media outside of live media. Is this a case of users not
knowing there are better choices than split CDs? Research into those
demanding splits should be done and documented by those eager to
continue seeing them produced.

A thought.

Maybe put this to the various
Ambassador groupings.
EMEA, APAC. etc.

Find out from the locals,
what it's like on the ground.

If it comes back that Area X,Y. are the main splitters.
For HW,BW reasons, whatever.

Ask them do a poll in their localities, schools, workplaces.
They are best placed.

Just worried about any negative karma.
*Fedora dumps on xyz*


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