----- "Jesse Keating" <jkeat...@j2solutions.net> wrote:

> Don't be clouded by who is requesting it.  Releng qa anaconda et al  
> would love to stop doing split cds.  Less confusion on what to  
> download would be appreciated by many too.  We are one of the last  
> distros to still do cd media outside of live media.  Is this a case of
> users not knowing there are better choices than split CDs?  Research 
> into those demanding splits should be done and documented by those  
> eager to continue seeing them produced.

I appreciate the clarification from you and Matt on the request. As you know 
Jesse my, and Unity's, goal has been for a while has been to get Fedora in to 
the hands of as many people as possible with the least amount of "pain." That 
is why we make the Re-Spins, it was why we made the original Live media. I know 
and understand the extra man hours required to properly test all the different 
varieties of media. As I said Unity will produce CDs for those that need/want 
them should RE or whoever decides that it is impractical for Fedora Project to 
continue producing them. Another compromise I am sure that would work for us is 
if you produced them, handed them off to us for testing and distribution. 

- Bob

|       Robert 'Bob' Jensen        ||       Fedora Unity Founder       |
|       b...@fedoraunity.org        ||      http://fedoraunity.org/     |
|                   http://bjensen.fedorapeople.org/                   |
|                http://blogs.fedoraunity.org/bobjensen                |

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