On Sun, 14 Jun 2009 15:34:19 +0000, Jesse Keating <jkeat...@redhat.com>
> On Sun, 2009-06-14 at 14:53 +0000, Robert 'Bob' Jensen wrote:
>> I appreciate the clarification from you and Matt on the request. As
>> you know Jesse my, and Unity's, goal has been for a while has been to
>> get Fedora in to the hands of as many people as possible with the
>> least amount of "pain." That is why we make the Re-Spins, it was why
>> we made the original Live media. I know and understand the extra man
>> hours required to properly test all the different varieties of media.
>> As I said Unity will produce CDs for those that need/want them should
>> RE or whoever decides that it is impractical for Fedora Project to
>> continue producing them. Another compromise I am sure that would work
>> for us is if you produced them, handed them off to us for testing and
>> distribution. 
> My (mostly unfounded) worry is that Fedora Unity is reacting to requests
> without investigating the reasoning behind the request.  Think of this
> as the Henry Ford problem.  If all Henry Ford did was produce what his
> customers asked for, all we'd have right now is fast horses.  What we
> need to be doing is investigating why these people think they need split
> CDs, to be certain that there is no other offering within the Fedora
> universe that satisfies their needs.
> Just producing it, somebody will download it, because they know no
> better, so having numbers that say "somebody wanted it" isn't enough in
> my book, and right now, I feel that the anaconda, qa, releng teams are
> being held hostage by Fedora Unity due to blanket claims of "if Fedora
> Project does not produce them Fedora Unity will".

If Fedora Unity's motivation to continue a service to the community -at
it's own expense, not yours- is holding you and the other teams hostage,
call S.W.A.T.


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