Arthur Pemberton <pemboa <at>> writes:
> How so? I think they underestimated how many freeloaders would bitch
> about not having what they want when they want it.
> Can any core member of the KDE SIG confirm/deny regret?

No regrets here, we knew we had to upgrade to KDE 4 sooner or later, so why not 
now? Fedora is a fast-moving distribution for early adopters. We also knew KDE 
4.1 would hit F9 updates months before the F8 EOL, which is what's happening 
now (it's already in updates-testing), so people unhappy with 4.0 can simply 
stick with F8 until KDE 4.1 gets pushed out to stable. And if people are still 
unhappy with 4.1, then they might well not become happy with any 4.x, and 
should be looking for an alternative. We surely can't sit on 3.5.x forever, KDE 
isn't going to support it forever. Trolltech already stopped supporting Qt 3 
over a year ago!

As for what other distributions are doing: Kubuntu is dropping KDE 3 in their 
next release (Intrepid Ibex, which will be out essentially at the same time as 
Fedora 10), it's already dropped from their equivalent of Rawhide. So we aren't 
the only ones moving to KDE 4 only, we just did it one version earlier because 
we considered it a huge waste of resources to attempt supporting parallel 
installation of KDE 3 and 4 for a single Fedora release only, when KDE 4.1 was 
around the corner anyway.

        Kevin Kofler

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